Friday, December 12, 2014

Clue Three Coming Along!

Bonnie released clue three and since I had the morning off work I got right to it.  I even took her advice and stopped to measure!  Good thing I did because my second strip set (pulled from my scraps) was actually a quarter inch too narrow!  It looked the same to my eye and if I had not checked it my first set would have been small!  Here is the first block!

Bonnie is a wise woman and tells us to pin/clip in sets of ten.  This has saved me hours of counting I am sure!  I take it one step farther and count out how many clips I need to get my sets of ten before I start!  Then I always know how many more I need to go or when I am close to getting done!  For example if you need 100 units, count out ten clips!  Easy peasy!
I managed to make about 15 before I had to leave for work.  I also work some of the day tomorrow but pretty sure this clue is going to come together more easily than the last one!  Well, I am at work so I better get to it!  Happy sewing!


Deb A said...

So pretty! Great tip - I don't know how many times I counted some of the units back on Celtic Solstice.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I love watching how your colors are coming together!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I love watching how your colors are coming together!

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

Gorgeous colors, so great to see them all together, and wonder how many more units we have ??

Vireya said...

This one does seem quicker than the last ones - I had to try at least one before breakfast, and the next thing I knew I had heaps of strips sewn together.

Pre-counting the clips is a great idea, thanks!

Bonnie said...

great tip to count out the needed clips in advance. Thanks. LOVE your header with all of those quilts. Wish I could see them spread out a bit more and see all the various color variations.

Lynette said...

Fun blues :)

Karabeta said...

I loved your blocks before but now look at that purple - I am completely smitten!

Feathers in my Nest said...

I Love that bird fabric..[the neutral]...purples are so pretty...

traditional_quilter said...

Lovely fabrics. Good job!

Vickie said...

I love the purple subbed for the green in your quilt ! It will be so fun to see how everyone's comes together !

Terri said...

I'm loving watching your progress. I'm sooo far behind but unlike last year I'm not freaking out since I know I'll have company when I finally get back to working on mine.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...