Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Our eighth annual New Year's Eve Day Mystery Quilt :)

 This is the eighth year Kathy and I have participated in the QTMystery Quilts Yahoo group quilt mystery.  This one was designed by Carol Lange.  Clue one above and two below.  Kathy is doing the Patriots themed fabric (she is from Mass.) and I am doing the Mickey themed for my mom's sister, Aunt Nancy.

 Clue three and four.

 Clue 5 and 6.  I am counting in ASL in the pictures if you wonder what is going on there.  That is 6 below.
 Kathy's 6.
 And my 7.
 Kathy's 7.

 Our 8's.  I took the time to trim my little wings off.  Kathy was printing the clues and we did really good at not looking ahead (we started about five hours after the start since I woke up with a migraine and decided to go back to bed).  I took pictures and uploaded them and monitored the emails and facebook.  I also wound up doing lots of ironing for Kathy!

 And our 9's.
 Here is where the trouble started for us!  We had to add the corners on and we tried everything to get them to go on square.  We pinched and lined up centers, we measured with a ruler, we tried Amy's method and trimmed off the little things from the triangles...some of them looked like this and others were just perfect.  I did rip this one and anyone that didn't pass my quality control!
 Then afterwards since there was SO much bias I wasn't going to try to put the blocks together as they were.  Despite all my careful quarter inch seams and ironing (seriously Ros this might be my best ironed back yet!) they just were this side of wonky.  I wound up measuring out a 1/4 of an inch from ever edge and cut off whatever was hanging, I then fudged in what was under the 1/4 inch wherever possible.  We did all this while watching Harry Potter all day!
 I was pretty satisfied with my rows once I did the trimming.
 It is hard to see the fun festive flecks of color on the black fabric from these pictures.

 Here is the start of Kathy's.  She has a few rows done now, but I think hers was wonkier than mine and she threatened to let it become a UFO! She decided that (after she put the first two rows together and nothing matched up) she would trim the blocks to 8 1/4 and then join them.  The bottom row is two sets of two she is happier with.  So she will be ripping out the first two rows and redoing things.  She also thinks it is too red.  I love how hers looks though more blue would be an improvement, but that is the fun of a mystery!

 Here is mine with the first border.

 And done!  Here is a close up so you can see the flecks better.  I hope my Aunt Nancy loves it!



soscrappy said...

What a fun way to welcome in the new year! Congratulations on a quilt in a day!

Lorna McMahon said...

You are such a prolific quilter! And I believe you when you say you are Bonnie's #1 fan! I really enjoyed seeing your Quiltville Parade. Looking forward to seeing what you will be working on in the coming months, Andee! And thanks for joining in the Let's Bee Social linky party! Happy 2014!

Foolish Feathers said...

Wow! You made that quilt in one day??? Good job! :-)

Cheryl said...

What a fun quilt. I love how you incorporated the fun novelty prints into the quilts

Moneik said...

Looks great. I love looking at mysteries, but have never done one.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...