Monday, October 31, 2011

Blogger's Quilt Festival--Roll Roll Cotton Boll!

Here's my entry for Blogger's Quilt Festival sponsored over at:

It is that time again--Blogger's Quilt Festival! I decided I would share my Bonnie K. Hunter Roll, Roll Cotton Boll quilt this time around. This quilt took me a bit longer than some (though not as long as some others, lol) to make. It was Bonnie's mystery quilt last year and I followed her color scheme and even her border suggestions. It was my first time making string blocks and though at first I really hated them, I really started to enjoy them as time went on. I also didn't like how the whole quilt was coming together at first (though I trust Bonnie so I just kept on sewing) and in the end I loved it! There are so many pieces in all of my Bonnie quilts and that is the reason they are so special to me. The hours and hours I put into sewing them really shows my love of piecing. This one also has some blue and white striped fabric that was my great was once on a homemade quilt frame and through an ill fated transport it would up all broken on the highway. All I could salvage (except the measurements) was the fabric which is heavier than cotton. I have taken to putting some of it in all my Bonnie quilts because it makes me smile so think I have something of that quilt frame in every quilt.

I think what I learned about myself while making this quilt is that perserverence pays off. I remember several times wanting to quilt making this quilt, or wanting to only make half the size of it, or to not make the string blocks but I reminded myself how happy I always am when I am done with my quiltville quilts so I just kept on sewing. My quilt wasn't done first, isn't the most perfect, and isn't the best but I love it just the same.

This quilt isn't quilted yet but is being saved for something really special..I just don't know what yet!


Lonci said...

One amazing quilt , i love this :)

trish said...

Just beautiful! :o)

Shannon said...

Love the new banner!! I RRCB quilt is so pretty!

Roslyn said...

I too love all of Bonnie;s designs-I was tempted to do this one but couldn't find the time. Might have to now I have seen yours Andee.
We are sewing Saturday, can you come?

Marika said...

Very nice work Quilt,

straythreads said...

beautiful love your use of scraps

maria said...

It's great to hear your story. The quilt is beautiful and obviously means a lot to you.

Gretchen said...

I love your quilt! My Roll Roll is a pile of blocks and is haunting me so I need to get back to it soon. I am debating on whether to do her next mystery and will probably cave in LOL!

Lynette said...

You made Cotton Boll!! I was eyeing this but had too much on my plate to start one. Looks great :)

Karen said...

Your RRCB is beautiful!! Mine is at the exact same stage. I'd love to know when you start quilting it. Any ideas???? I kind of hate to do an overall, but not sure what else to do. Great job!! Wasn't it fun?

Quilt Genius said...

I just love your quilt. Very well done.


New Year's Mysteries!

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