Sunday, October 9, 2011

National Story Telling Festival in Jonesborough, Tennessee

Tennessee Quilts is the first thing you see when you enter the festival grounds (held downtown) and that made my day! I did make it in there and bought a yard of clearance fabric and a magazine. This show was featured in the magazine so...

Jonesbourough, Tennessee.

Friday night we all went to Ghost Stories...some of us weren't in the picture, but everyone was there! The interpreters were across a little stream in the dark next to the gazebo thing...the stories were good but DJ really couldn't see enough to enjoy them.

See the terp (Joy) on the left.

(Saturday night) Out to dinner at Fatz with the ENTIRE Neff crew that made it. My Dad's brother Jim is the one standing...and his other brother Rick is in the red (his other brother Lewis died many years ago). Rick's daughter Lindy is next to him (wife Lisa across) and Jim's daughter Carla is last woman on the left with her husband Chris and three children (Joseph, Emma and Maggie Lou) and his son Brian is in the yellow next to his new wife Joy (pregnant with their daughter) Jim's daughter Tricia and her hubby and daughter weren't able to come (neither was my sister Tina). Mary, on the left end is Jim's second wife (Norma passed away years ago too). Of course you see me and DJ on the right end of the table. We went around a shared stories of Grandma Nan since that is why we all come together and talked about all those who are gone forever and those who didn't make it. It was a really nice meal.

Here is a ton of the storytellers called up to sing "If I had a Hammer.." which interestingly enough I learned from my Neff cousins while canoeing the boundry waters of Canada with them and our dads.

Here is the Saturday night Midnight Cabaret perfomance of Michale Reno Harrell with one of the amazing interpreters (Liz) interpreting for him and us!

I haven't done any sewing but am working on my third dishcloth...I lost ANOTHER knitting needle right after we arrived. My purse zips all the way down on the sides and I guess the needle slid out when we moved from chairs in the back to chairs in the front. I retraced my steps, but the needle was gone. Can't recall if I blogged about it, but a little bit ago I lost a knitting needle out of my car at an intersection (it fell on the floor, I couldn't find it, opened the door for a better look and it must have fallen out because that was the last I saw of it. So since I replaced that set I had three, now lost one (stay with me on this math) and so I have a complete set again..though one is in Arizona! So I had to stop at Wal-Mart and buy another set but they are metal. I hope I can bring them on the plane. Anyways, I like to think that Grandma Nan needed those needles in heaven so she just snuck them from me! SMILE, that woman could knit!

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New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...