Monday, October 31, 2011

Progress from Awhile Back


Here are my Secret Santa Swap Two gifts from Shannon that I have neglected to post a picture on! I can guess the little tiny one because of the noise it makes when I shake it, but no idea on the other two! Thanks Shannon--oh and your next set of gifts is going in the mail today! Where did October go?

I got the fabric to make Hannah and I a Christmas tree skirt. The pattern is off Moda Bake Shop if I remember right and I liked their choice of fabric so I found a bunch on clearance and have been admiring it.

This is as far as I got awhile back when I still had my machine to sew on. This is Smith Mountain Morning for Randy. My quarter inch seam isn't what it should be (as always) and so there has been some fudging. It doesn't help that I am forever working on more than one machine. Doing the best I can with what I have! Both June and Ros did offer to borrow me a machine and I do appreciate that but am hoping to have mine back soon!


scraphappy said...

Lovely blocks, looks like SMM is coming along well. Adorable Halloween quilt, what great fabrics.

Sandra Kaye said...

Hey Andee, how have you been? Have you heard of Bonnie doing a mystery quilt yet?? Let me know if you have. I'm determined to make this one. Sandie

Shannon said...

I love your quilt, so cute. I am glad you got my gifts, yup the tiny one is easy but I am glad I god you stumped on the others. You are more on top with your gifts than I am. It looks like I might need to send a bigger bag!! LOL! Those new fabrics are so pretty! Your blocks look great so far. One day you will get your amchine back!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...