Monday, February 15, 2010

Amy's BOM 2010 Done for February!

Well these three blocks were a bit more challenging for me and they aren't perfect, but I enjoyed making them and forcing myself to try some new things so...thanks Amy for that! This first block pictured is Mosaic Star. The next one is Blackford's Beauty and earlier today I showed you Florida's Key West which you can see in the third picture along with last month's blocks.

It is looking very patriotic too--perfect for President's Day! It's not too late to get in on this if you feel the need, check out Amy's cool button in my sidebar to get to her directions for these blocks.


Barb said...

wow...those blocks are amazing!! said...

Your blocks are great. I hate to be the one to tell you that on the mosaic star, one side is pointing in and the other three are correct, just a little unsewing. It is terrible how it shows up in the photos and we don't see it. I have to have my daughter looks over my tops and she always finds a piece wrong.

Linda said...

Don't you just hate unsewing! But your block looks good now and your blocks together look great! I'm also doing mine in red, white and blue and loving them. I've always wanted to do a red, white and blue quilt and this is my first! I'm not trying to make it look patriotic, I just like the colors together.

scraphappy said...

Bummer about having to keep redoing the mosaic star -- it does look perfect now though. You'll never remember when the quilt if finished how much grief the block gave you. They look fabulous all together like that.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...