Ros met June, Herve, Kathy and I up at the quilt store and delivered the first of my quilts that I gave her last week! Simple Gifts (free pattern on Weeks Ringle's blog Craft Nectar!) is now quilted and bound! I will get more pictures tomorrow in the sunlight, but I was so excited I had to take some and post about it tonight! Ros used an aqua thread which you can really see and I think it makes the quilt even better! I need to get a little label on the back and then it is all set for Marissa's baby girl!
Ros has Carolina Christmas loaded and has some quilting in it by now...I can't wait to see it! Really...
Today June, BJ and I signed up for a mystery class (next Sunday) and I picked up some fabric for that...planning to turn that into a quilt for Kathy's niece Ayla. Her brother borrows her quilts until they are in tatters and so she asked me for a pink quilt with teddy bears--she is smart enough to know that if it is too girley Seth might leave it alone! So it will be a suprise how that one comes out. I can't wait to have a sewing day with BJ and June--so today was a fabulous day!