Spent the majority of today at June's house again working on step five and six of Carolina Christmas. I really thought this half would go faster but NO, NOT REALLY! This is what the blocks look like...very cute. I got down to the last few blocks and discovered I had miscounted and needed to make nine more of the large green triangle/with the white and little green triangles. June was nice enough to let me grab some from her stash (all my fabric and even a few "extra" green blocks were at home) so I made up ten for good measure. Then I discovered that I had turned the little block and the green wasn't in the right place...so I wound up REMAKING them! I almost cried at this point seriously. If there is an award for messing up triangles I would have the grand prize.

Here are my two blocks together. I haven't laid them all out to get a feel for the whole thing yet, but based on this I think it will really look nice!

Here are June's blocks...I love hers too! Her black background fabric is so cute with little colored flowers on it. She is still working these, but isn't far behind me!

And again, here is my whole stack so you can see they are done! I have to tuck this away for at least a few days because I have the NYE Mystery to get cut and presewing done on, and also Dorothy's mystery has two clues out and I haven't started that either! So very soon will get on those and come back to this one!

Thanks June for having me two days in a row and for the delicious pea soup we had for lunch!