This first picture is a bench that my great grandfather Anton Walker made for my Aunt Nancy. Everyone in the family had at least one and some of them were a very funky orange color and even had decals on them. Gpa Tony died when I was eight, but I remember he was always busy with his hands. (He also made cool outside bells by bending tin can lins and stringing them together). Anyway I have always wanted my own bench like this. The ones my mother had are long gone, and only a few that Grandpa Tony made still remain. So last October when I visited my aunt I took this picture, and Kathy had previously taken measurements of my Uncle Steve's bench and viola!

Here is my very own bench! It isn't painted, and might not be quite exactly the same, but I love it! Thanks Kathy!

Tonight I played with my unsewn blocks (only one sewn so far) and put them together to see what DD might look like. I love it of course and need to buckle down and sew it!
Yesterday was an awful day at work, took a mental health day today. Hoping the awful cold will go away too. I have decided for sure that I won't be teaching high school next year. I can't deal with the passive aggressive disrespectful kids. I will miss many of the other kids and some may even miss me, but...I just got my first check for my part time job and for 24 hours of work I got paid MORE money than for 80 hours at my regular job (minus all they take out) so I think it is back to freelancing which I love anyway. If I find a college to teach at great, if not that is okay too.
We went to a late lunch today and had Cornish Pasties. They were different and good. Got to try each other's and will go again some time. Also stopped at Zoe's Trunk Quilt Shop to sign up for Monday's mystery tablerunner class. I am excited to do my first in person mystery! They didn't have the fabric info available yet so that is a mystery yet too...smile! I did splurge and buy a book I wanted....will tell you about that later on. We also went and saw Gran Torino which was a good movie, not fabulous but good. Clint Eastwood still has major talent. I enjoyed that the movie included Hmong people...in Wisconsin there are many of these people and here there aren't. My students don't even know who the Hmong are or their story...so at least that gets them some mainstream exposure. We topped off the day with a stop at Barnes and Noble Bookstore...so that was fun! I paged through some quilt magazines and am dying to make some doll quilts all of the sudden. There were two in the mags that were inspiring. One was a nine patch, and one was a Trip Around the World quilt. I bought my kids and my sister and Kathy bookmarks for Valentine's Day....will be late to the kids, but it is the thought that counts. Got Tina and I a gnome bookmark...we both love gnomes and they are supposed to bring good luck. My sister needs all the luck she can get so hoping the gnomes will help. Things are tough for her right now. Her hubby is in Texas working and she has to give up the house she is renting and move in with a friend since the owners of the house can't afford the house they are in now. Nothing seems to swing her way.