Saturday, December 28, 2013

Packer (Celtic) Solstice Clue 5 is Done!

Last night I cut all the parts for clue five of Packer Solstice and started sewing away.  I had only put five complete blocks together when I thought wait a quilt doesn't have orange in it!  I had looked at my substitution list and saw it was yellow for Bonnie's blue...then I neatened up all the fabrics (all in one bag for mine and Kathy's quilts, we are using some of the same colors/fabrics) and somehow I cut away on the orange.  Unfortunately that isn't the right color for Kathy either since she is following Bonnie's colors and needs blue!  Oh well, I guess I am ahead on some future project!
 So tada, here are my clue 5's all done, ironed and neatened up.  We watched QuiltCam several hours after Bonnie was on and cheerily sewed away.  I had about 15 extra so the worst of them went in a bag.  I plan to redo them and maybe do a pillowcase or something with them.
 Here are all the clues so far, my bin is about full and I am doing the 75 x75.
 After that was done, I couldn't resist playing with the parts a bit--copied straight off a few other blogs but had to see what the imagined blocks look like in my colors!
 Love them both, but suspect Bonnie will be WOWing us with her reveal.  I can hardly wait!
 Kathy has been sewing all week long every chance she had to try to catch up on her clues.  Today she started working on clue four so I suspect she will get to clue 5 before 6 is out!  She is doing the larger quilt so I am amazed she is keeping up....this mystery isn't for the weary!

Linking up with Quiltville!  How is your mystery coming along?


scraphappy said...

Wow, you are trucking along on Celtic Solstice. Go Packers! What a fun quilt that is going to be.

Kate said...

Great looking colors! I ended up picking similar colors to Bonnie (teal for blue, coral for orange) because I knew I'd get confused!

SandyPA said...

Good going on the Celtic Solstice! I liked your more complex guesses on the design. Bonnie will likely surprise us both.

Cheryl in Friendsville said...

I chose different colors, too. The only way for me to keep them straight is to have a chart that I refer to. Or I'd be doing the same thing - making units with the colors reversed and them having to make more correctly!! Yours are looking fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I stuck with Bonnie's suggestions... mainly because I'm such a big fan of greens and oranges. Blues? Not so much, but surprisingly, I like the entire combination. Thanks for sharing!

Anita said...

You have got a great layout! I agree with you that Bonnie always comes up with a surprise at the end. The blocks are looking fabulous!

Sadie said...

Hi Andee, You are changing up the colors. Looking good. I started playing with the blocks myself. I am sure we are in for a surprise yet....great work!

Sadie said...

Hi Andee, You are changing up the colors. Looking good. I started playing with the blocks myself. I am sure we are in for a surprise yet....great work!

Judy Hansen said...

I like your colors, and your mock up blocks look great!

Vireya said...

Like everyone, I'm really looking forward to seeing what Bonnie will do with these pieces. Everyone has such lovely arrangements, there seems to be lots of options for beautiful quilts.

TLC said...

Love your block ideas!

Debbie W said...

Looking good, enjoyed visiting your blog and all your beautiful Bonnie quilts!

Nina said...

I love your colors! Your blocks are looking great.

Ellen said...

Working on the mystery is so much fun and the speculation and guesses are a big part of it!

Foolish Feathers said...

Are you pleased with the final blocks? I think it is amazing that you not only have kept up with all rhe mystery blocks, but that you are completing so many other projects as well! :-)

Unknown said...

Great ideas! Love the emphasis on The Packers! I back the Pack, too! I should as I'm from Wisconsin. I've enjoyed reading your Blog and getting your ideas about what lies ahead. Happy New Year and Happy Quilting!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...