Friday, December 14, 2012

Still Stepping Down Easy Street!

 Spent some time today with Megan working on Easy Street.  She is doing clue two but hopefully will get caught up now that she has one of the rulers she needs and we cut the other pieces.  Kathy was finishing up her clue three and is still working on.  She did a little miscutting and had to do some recutting.
 Once I got back home and made chicken enchiladas for tomorrows Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild Holiday Party I set up shop in the quilting studio with Bonnie Hunter on QuiltCam and continued on clue four.  Loving the colors!  As you can see I went a bit nuts and made too many of these.  I may wind up with extras in the border or something.  So then I started putting them together and stopped a little past halfway.  We also cut about two thirds of the lime squares and got strips ready for the rest of them.
 I guess with this picture cropped funny you can't even really see they are twosies of geese, but they are.  In other news, we have been praying for those in Connecticut that are affected by the tragedy in Newtown. Breaks my heart that innocent children were terrorized and even killed in their own school.  My heart goes out to them and I have no words of solace because there just can't be any.
My daughter Hannah (pictured with me here at her high school graduation four and a half years ago) graduates from UW-Oshkosh in Accounting tomorrow morning.  I was unable to make the trip back to Wisconsin due to some unforseen circumstances.  December has been hard on us.
I couldn't be more proud of Hannah.  She is an amazing young woman, beautiful inside and out and now that she did what I asked (got a four year college degree before having children or marrying) I have promised to support her in whatever she wants to do.  If she shaves her head and moves to a third world country I can not say a word against it!  Hannah has always been my easy child between the boys and I wish I was there with her as she crosses another stage.  I will be watching it live stream online and I am sure I will be bawling all the way in Arizona.  
A set of Christmassy napkins I made today for Hannah.  Sending out lots of Christmas boxes tomorrow--late for me because we thought we were driving there with them all!  

1 comment:

scraphappy said...

Great progress on Easy Street! Congratulations on you daughters graduation. Sorry to hear you weren't able to make it. I hope he web camera works and you can be with her in your heart.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...