Saturday, December 15, 2012

Easy Street Sees Progress!

Tonight I sewed with Kathy and we got on Skype and sewed with Barb and Kathy too!  So much more fun...Kathy worked on her clue and Barb on Christmas gifts.
 My flying geese went from this to this tonight!
 So here are all the mystery parts and I am all caught up, whew!  I am really enjoying how easy it is to keep up this time around.  Bonnie knew we needed an easy mystery and I can't even tell you how much easier this seems than Orca Bay (which by the way was worth it!).
 And Kathy got her clue three done tonight too!  She was in Mass all last week so didn't get in any sewing, but hopefully will now have a chance to get caught up this week!  I am really impressed with her.  The last Bonnie mystery she attempted was Orange Crush and while she helped, really I made two Orange Crushes! So this time she is doing it all on her own and pretty much keeping up!
 No pictures yet, but Kathy's niece Megan is doing her first mystery ever and she just finished clue two!  Whoot whoot.  Here in Arizona in addition to the three of us, my quilting friends BJ, Ros, Jacki, Becky, Kathy and Barb are making this quilt too.  That is nine of us that I know of!  Bonnie rocks our world!!!
 In other news, my amazing daughter Hannah graduated from UW-Oshkosh this morning from the School of Business in Accounting!  The bad news is, at the last minute, I was unable to be she is with her younger brother Mac.
 The good news is the folks at UWO live streamed the graduation, so Kathy, Randy and I sat in front of the computer and saw Hannah coming to her seat, heard the speeches and got pictures and video of her getting her diploma!  I couldn't be prouder of her if I tried.  Congratulations Hannah--Oh the Places You Will Go!
She already has a job lined up when she finishes the intern job she has now, but she is planning on studying like mad to pass her CPA before she starts that job in July.  Crossing my fingers she passes, sounds like one heck of a battery of tests!  Whoot, Whoot.

We had a challenge at PHXMQG which met make disappearing nine FOUR patch blocks to donate to Erin for Hurricane Sandy survivors.  Here is a smattering of them, we had almost 30 total!  I made more tonight the top two blocks on the left were the colors I did tonight.  Will be sending them out on Monday.  And on to the next challenge which is drawstring backpacks for kids in crisis.  

See other people's progress on Easy Street at Quiltville.  I finally accidentally learned how to embed a link in here!  WHOOT WHOOT!


Teresa in Music City said...

Congratulations to your daughter!!! What an accomplishment! And you are doing so well on Easy Street! I've been trying to keep up but so much is going on this time of year! This week looks much better, so we'll see if I can catch up :*)

Judy D in WA said...

Congratulations to your daughter! Major life moment. Sorry you couldn't be there. :(
You gals have so much sewing fun together! I know how much I love my Wednesday group...look forward to it every week!
Easy Streets are looking good!

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

easy Street is coming along beautifully. Really like the four patch blocks...what fun .

scraphappy said...

Graduations are SO emotional. Sounds like she is all set though, with and internship and a job in the works, what a relief! She looks so happy in her cap and gown. Congratulations to you both!

Michelle said...

Congratulations to your daughter! Your Easy Street parts are looking great!

Unknown said...

Congratulations your daughter's graduation, you sound like a proud mama :-) And, way to go on keeping up with Easy Street. Another person from Arizona here in Tucson doing the Mystery Quilt with you all, and Bonnie.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...