Sunday, March 4, 2012

Late Night Pink Love

SoScrappy Angela has deemed it Pink month, so here is the first Jack in the Box in pink! Have ironed the little pinwheels but didn't trim or make them and have block two cut out and ready to go.
Also whipped up a few pink bow ties just for fun!
Here is our new kitty--Lucy/Stitch! She is finally coming out more and likes to dump everything in my sewing room on the floor.
She found her own little quilt to lay on where the dogs can't bother her :)
We spent today at the Deaf Expo in town...was a long day out but we saw lots of friends and had a nice day gabbing. Several of my sign students went as their "Deaf Event" that they have to write a paper on so that was fun. I really have some great students. All but one left before the 3:30 drawing so they gave us their tickets...and one of them was the golden ticket. DJ and I won 200 DOLLARS! I couldn't believe it...really was an awesome way to end the Expo. Then while walking to the light rail two gals driving a Red Bull shaped car stopped at the got out and ran DJ and I Red Bull..I do not drink it but she does so that made her day even better.
We wound up spending the rest of the day with her grandfather in the ER...but he is okay now and happily back at home. So I snuck in this sewing and hope to get back to it tomorrow late afternoon...there is always so much to do and not enough time to do it in. I did manage to finally finish reading "Coop" by Michael Perry (who I have met and who grew up in the town by my grandparents' cottage and now lives about 10 minutes from my hometown) which was great. He is funny even though sometimes he makes me cry.


soscrappy said...

Sounds like you had a great day all around! Great pink blocks. Looks like you should have quite a collection be the end of the year.

Cathy Tomm said...

You had a busy time. Glad to see you got a pink block done. It looks good.

Deb A said...

Busy busy! I am amazed at all you get done. Love the pink block and the I spy quilt is really cute in the next post.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...