Monday, January 2, 2017

Catching up on En Provence!

 My cousin Tara and my Godson Koi (the shark lover) got me these cool metal quilt blocks for Christmas.  She has two more waiting for me in Wisconsin!  I love them!
 We took an unplanned trip to New Mexico to rescue Coleman and his girlfriend (Randy's daughter) Heather and her six kids when their van blew a tire (and another one after we got there) and he went into Diabetic Ketoacidosis.  Was not a fun trip, I missed work and footed the entire unexpected bill.  Sigh.  The things we do for our kids.  I am now dubbed Instagrammy and these kids are a delight.  Things have been crazy around here!  Randy lives down the street so they are staying there at the moment but we see them plenty.
 I added a ladybug onto Garden Party where there was a little hole (seam must not have been a quarter inch!).  Bonnie will be here Thursday so I can show it to her!  I have another tiny spot to cover and a bee to add, but Stash Kitty decided to bat the bee around someplace where I cannot find it!
 Do you see hospital gown fabric?  Figured I might as well commemorate the three days we spent in Santa Rosa at the hospital with Coleman.
 I was behind on the clue since I was out of town...caught up on five.
 Cut six.
 And last night finished sewing six, though I did not take off the triangles/dog ears that hang off.  I also cut my yellow squares since the final reveal is out!  I still have the last set of hour glasses to make in the other colorway but here is sort of what the block looks like.  I even missed the linky since I had no progress to report and was out of town.  First one ever I think!
Hoping to get more time to work on it this week, but Thursday Bonnie will be here and I am in the Midnight Flight class.  I am all prepped for that since I did it ahead of time.  I have six boxes of books and rulers in my trunk for Bonnie too!

I have been working like a mad woman since we were out of town and video relay interpreting is so brain/mind numbing after a certain point.  I come home and crash.  We did trade in my Veloster since it made me carsick, was awful on the bumps and too small.  We got this 2017 Toyota Camry.  I am in love with it.  So much more room and a great ride.  Off to take a hot bath since I have another ten hour workday tomorrow.  Oy!


Vireya said...

Have a great time in the class with Bonnie!

The mystery block looks good in your colours. I'll look forward to seeing the quilt when you get it all together.

Marly said...

Lovely colours! Well done on catching up; you're further than I am, and I haven't been anywhere!

Andra Gayle said...

Darn, Andee, you were only an hour away! We could have exchanged blocks or something...Sounds like you had quite the adventure! Your quilts are gorgeous- as usual!

Quilter Kathy said...

Oh dear... too stressful, too busy... not enough sewing time!
But love your new car :)
AND you will have a dose of Bonnie soon, so you'll be fine!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Wow!! Never a dull moment at your house! One good thing... there was NO link-up this week. Have fun in your class with Bonnie!! Jealous!!!

Cherry said...

Girl, you're life has been an adventure! Hopefully working on the mystery quilt gave you some quiet time. And, good news! you didn't miss the link up today because there wasn't one. Love your colors!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...