Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday Night Sewing with Bonnie!

 Arrived home from a long day at work to these goodies from Andra for Hawaii Sunset!  Whoo hoo.  I must say both her and Amy have PERFECT flying geese and mine are not nearly that good.  Hope they can make they work.  I need some sewing time with those girls to see just how they are doing it so they come out so good.

Here are all the parts all together waiting for me to have time to get to it.  I think it will be into January or February before it sees the light of day again.  So much to sew, so little time!

Next I got on cutting out Easy Street step two (I woke up at 2:11 AM because I was hot and my first thought was "I will be Bonnie's post with the clue is out!" and I checked out what we would be doing.  More flying geese.  I think I did better this time, I followed Bonnie's directions and sewed them a little differently than Hawaii Sunset (they are either the same size or close to it).  Kathy also was working on her clue two and truth be told, I cut the strips and she cut the triangles!  I love that!
By this time Bonnie was on QuiltCam and she was working on Moth in a Window blocks...I commented to her and she told me to leader ender mine so I decided to multi-task.  I do better to just keep on doing one or the other more so than leader ender, but I got these two blocks done and went back to my geese.  This dark fabric is from one of my Dad's old shirts (I put some of it in my bow tie quilt and the three mourning crosses quilts I made) and I had this sudden epiphany that I could use leftover bits to make more of these blocks!  The only bad thing about that is that means this quilt will either be mine, one of the kids, my sister's or Margie's...I can't go giving it to just anyone.  I am thinking for now it will be for us, and maybe one of the boys will wind up with it eventually.  I showed it to Coleman and he thought it was pretty cool!  The other option is I could make a pair of quilts put one of each of these (and make two of the others with Dad's shirts) and give one to my sister.  Sure wish I could just sew 24 hours a day so I could make half the quilts I dream of making!
 Anyways, here is my clue two done!  Lovin those purples.  I found a few more I had forgotten that I put fat quarter size fabrics into the strip drawers in the back so it was a bonus to add some more variety.  Linking up with Bonnie,
And I could not resist showing you clue one and clue two together with the paint chips.  Boy that lime didn't photograph so good.  It isn't that pukey in person.  
Kathy is now done with her clue two, so here is a picture of hers.  She is changing up the colors since this will be a gift for her sister.  Blues and browns and tans...Trying to convince her to start a blog so she can link up with Bonnie too!  Thank for a fabulous Friday night Bonnie (and Kathy!)!


Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Way to go!!! I made a carrot cake, did some dishes, did some laundry, did my hair, and took another shower. No sewing for me tonight, now it is almost 1 am, I am off to bed. Maybe tomorrow I will get to clue # 2. It is all cut out and waiting.

scraphappy said...

Wow did you have a good night! So many great projects going on. How do you keep up with it all?

Amy said...

holy buckets child! Great sewing night!
Andra's package hasn't arrived for me yet; i'll remain patient :)
As for the "perfect" flying geese.....ummm... you HAVE had your eyes checked recently, right? I have already used up quite a few of yours; all good.
Happy Sewing Saturday!

Judy D in WA said...

WOW, you had a fabulous Friday Night!
Did you giggle when you saw there were flying geese? I did but I resisted checking for the clue in the middle of the night. :0) I have to say, I do like this method better too.
How fun that you and Kathy can sew together. Come on Kathy, you need a blog! :)

Teresa in Music City said...

What wonderful eye candy on your blog today :*) Loved seeing your progress on both of these fun projects!!! I'm thinking it will be the first of the year before I get back to Hawaii Sunset too - can't be helped, especially with Bonnie's mystery going on. I'm off to start on Clue #2 now!!!

Anonymous said...

Your blocks and units are looking fantastic. I love the moth in the window block.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...