I love this quilt! You can find it and many more at
http://www.quiltpatternlibrary.net/ebooks/quilting/index.html where they have an entire old book by Marie D. Webster online. I looked at the pictures but didn't read it yet. This daisy quilt is so inspiring! I love that the background would go together really quickly and then you could add the flowers...someday I want to make one like this...maybe a crib sized one, but for some reason this quilt just speaks to me!

I took another picture of my star blocks...just playing around with layouts and trying to figure out what to do with them. I didn't coordinate any or very few of the colors so it is rather hodge podgish, but I need to decide what to do with it and get it done. I don't like having lots of stuff in progress just sitting around.

My water pump broke on my little fountain...I think it just wore out. So I took out the water, washed things up and put this gold candle in the center (given to me by my friend Michelle who lives here in AZ as a welcome back gift) and made a centerpiece for my table. I see that the mineral deposits are back on the bowl despite my scrubbing..anyone know what gets rid of them? See too my little sea turtle rock in the front of the bowl? I took a trip to AZ with my youngest son right after I was dumped by someone who was supposed to go to AZ with us...it was a long horrible trip as you can imagine and at the airport on the way home Mac wanted to look in the shops so depressed as I was I let him. He went in and found a rock for himself and one for me..the sea turtle. It was his attempt at cheering me up and it helped. I forget what the saying was that came with the sea turtle, but it was inspiring and I think I have it somewhere!

We finally got the stained glass lamp hung in our dining area a few days ago. Randy fixed the short in it and after several hours of drilling, wiring, unwiring, and rewiring (oh and one trip to the store) he got it hung. Kathy painted the ceiling (old cover was bigger and the color under didn't match the ceiling) and we both cheered him on. It feels a little more like home now, because I love this light fixture. My new table and chairs look great under it.
Well, today is all mine since I am on vacation from work. I talked to CJ this morning on the phone (oldest son) and really miss him. I will see him in a few weeks when I visit Wisconsin--it seems like forever since I have seen him and though I miss the other two kids he is the hardest to be away from even though he is the oldest. He needs me more than the others though so maybe that is why.