Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Brillante Weblog Award!

Amy from nominated me for the Brillante Weblog Award. I do believe this is my first blog award and very nice to know someone is reading--thanks Amy! I will nominate a few of the regular blogs I read and I appologize if you have already been nominated and excuse you from repeating this if you don't want to!
The rules are as follows:

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog/

2. Link to the person you received your award from

3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs

4. Put links to those blogs on yours.

5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you have nominated.
So I nominate:
1. The Quirky Quilter at she always makes me smile or laugh aloud (see the spider story) and even though she is way across the pond we have become blog and email buddies! She even has a link to me on her blog!
2. Sarah from Hip to Piece Squares is amazing! She was one of the very first blogs I ever read because I was searching for others interested in "The Modern Quilt Workshop" book and she was hosting a quiltalong and making Love the time I found her it was over but I was hooked!
3. Don't call me is another of my favorite blogs. She writes about sewing, food, married life, etc. She takes great pictures and has a fabulous sense of humor too!
4. Steph at is a new online friend who has done and is doing some longarming for me. She has a busy family life and is a very proud mom. I know someday I will meet this sweet blogger!
5. Penny at is one of the most amusing bloggers I read. I have laughed along with her and cried too. Funny how someone I have never met can influence me. She writes about her porcelain business, her family and the cutest westies that she has rescued and loves.
6. Sara at has a great attitude and always lists her grattitudes and reminds me to be thankful for all that I have too. She posts about family , food and QUILTS!
7. And last but not least is Teresa at
I am SO impressed by what she can do with EQ (I have it and can't do diddly with it) and love the colorful quilts she has on her blog. I think I once tried to win one of her quilts but luck of the draw sent it home somewhere else!


Amy said...

Hey, Hey! Way to be on top of things!!! You must have your computer on 24/7 with special bells that clangle whenever you get an email or a blog update!!! :0) Glad you found the award :0) Thanks for sharing these other nominees. It's great getting "word of mouth" for top blogs!! :0)

Sue said...

Gives you a big Aussie (spider free) hug! Thank you for the nomination!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...