Sunday, December 6, 2015

Allietare Linky Party--Clue Two!

 I stole a few of Ros' pictures from the third annual Quiltville Mystery Kickoff Party because I am actually in this one!  I know by now you have seen us wrapped in our quilts, but these are my favorite pictures every year!

 Welcome again to Andee in AZ's blog if you have clicked here from the Quitlville Linky Party! I thought I would update you on my tumbler blocks before sharing my clue two.  Not long before Bonnie announced she was going to do a tumbler leader and ender this year, I had already started cutting just from reds and whites/creams for a Lil' Crumbler tumblerish quilt.  I am trying not to duplicate any of the reds so this is as far as I am.  I have not sewn a one since I have been afraid to mess it up since I hear they are a little tricky at first.  Today I watched two Quiltcams that I missed when they were live and Bonnie was demoing her tumbler blocks so now I know what to consider as I hope to put this under the needle!

 Also thought I would share with you this crazy rule I have about the "bonus" half square triangles that we get on many of the mysteries.  I used to just pile them up after they were sewn...waiting for something to use them in and then realized that because they were not ironed I was never going to use them.  So new rule is if I bother to sew the bonus hst's up I must iron them along with whatever I got them from.  So look at all those bonus blocks!  They need squaring up but that I save for when I want to do something with you can see I already made two blocks with them.

 I finished clue two tonight.  Love all the variety in my turquoise and in my neutrals.  I have pulled yardage for this quilt, but as each clue comes out I dig in the bin for the right size strips and start with those before cutting into my yardage.  This ensures tons of variety!  All these colored bins hold coordinating color strips in the sizes Bonnie tells us to save--sure beats having odds and ends fabric in a box or bin somewhere that never gets used!
See all that variety?  I hope you have lots of fun fabrics in your mystery quilt too!

So clue one and two are patiently waiting for clue three this Friday!  Linking up with Quiltville so you can get back and click on to see other blogs.  In other Quiltville news, I managed to get the sashing and cornerstones cut for Talkin' Turkey.  
Here is Bonnie's regramming of my Talkin' Turkey quilt.  If you are on IG I hope we are following each other!
Linking up with Angela over at SoScrappy for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.


Anonymous said...

Great photos of the completed Grand Illusion quilts, sounds like a fun group. Love your collection of turquoise fabrics.

scraphappy said...

The new mystery has you motivated! Great progress! Time to start sewing those tumblers together. Why not make a few extras for practice first?

Vireya said...

Your turquoise and brown look wonderful together!

Bente Antonsen said...

I love your brown and turquoise units. This will make a great quilt.

Belvie said...

I love your color choices for the mystery quilt! I also like your idea for the colored bins storing your fabric. As I continue to organize and develop my stash, I'm going to remember your set up. Thanks for sharing.

The Joyful Quilter said...

LOVE the colors you've chosen for Allietare!! What REALLY has me drooling is your scrap system. It's INCREDIBLE!!!

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

Very lovely units for clue #2. Love your brown and turquoise. Great bonus blocks too.

gayle said...

I can't wait to see how your colors come out in the finished quilt! I love the turquoise and brown!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Andee, can you please post this link in your text above? I am having a terrible time getting folks to comply with leaving a link back and I'm starting to delete posts that don't!



Feathers in my Nest said...

Pretty fabrics & such a darling block..

Jackie at Adirondack Urban said...

Your little bonus square blocks are awesome! So ambitious! I haven't even sewn one unit for the Week 2 clue yet, let alone any bonus hsts! I'm hoping to find time to squeeze in a few before the third clue cones out!

Sheila said...

Looks like everyone had a great time. LOVE the rainbow blocks!

Deb A said...

Wish I had thought of that pressing the extra's as you go. I have a basket full of various ones... maybe I'll just start doing 10 after I am done pressing whatever..... Love the little blocks you made with them. Talking turkey is looking great. Love your fabrics for the mystery.

Denise said...

I like your choise, teal and brown looks good together!

Karabeta said...

Wow! Awesome play of colours!

Kate said...

I really like your color choices for Bonnie's mystery. You've done really well at keeping up.

mackyton said...

That is such an interesting party dear. All of you are wrapped in quilts seems interesting and fun too. I also want to attend such fun Quiltville linky party with my best friend. I heard people organize such parties at Chicago venues too. Is that true? Please share!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...