Sunday, March 22, 2015

Behind on My News

 Last weekend I made blocks 59 and 60 of City Sampler and didn't blog for some reason.  Life seems to have picked up speed lately and with switching one of my jobs (and job training all last week) my usual schedule is off.  This week may be the first week my goal of two City Sampler blocks isn't met.  Have been out of town all weekend and today I am doing a glamour shots session gifted to me by a friend I barely know who bought some groupons and then decided she didn't want them!  So Kathy and I are doing pictures and we want to hike later too so sewing is way down the list.  :(

 Luckily I did keep on with Orange Crush last weekend and got all the parts cut for the next clue.  I barely started assembling the next block (which is all this clue) and I will keep working on it but may need an extra week to get them done.  Our Open Studio facebook group has several people doing a quiltalong on this so I have been setting the pace with one clue per week and so far, so good but this week it may be different!  That is okay because people are all at different points anyways.
 Kathy is still working on her Grand Illusion. She finished clue three and is now on four!  This one is going to be great!
 My Aunt Babbette and Uncle Dan and their daughter Ashley and other daughter's son Brayden are here for Spring break (at Mom's) so I was there Friday and Saturday and we got up early and went to the Cave Creek Parade.  Had fun!  Then Suli, Ollie and I went hiking up Thunderbird Mountain.  I tried that same mountain last week but in the middle of the day and I got a bit of heatstroke.  We didn't quite make it to the top because I got sick.  This week we went later in the day (and not after jump Pilates) and I made it to the top just fine.  Gorgeous views up there!


Julierose said...

sounds like you're having a very busy and fun time! I am looking forward to seeing your Orange Crush...good for you on that hike.
Hugs, your dieting (again!;--((( )
friend Julierose

Kevin the Quilter said...

Life intervenes! We have ALL been there, and that's OK! I still think you are majorly prolific! Have a fun photo shoot and visit with family!

Kathy's A Quilter said...

you have a very busy life and it just goes to underscore and re-enforce the point that people shouldn't wait to take up quilting once they retire!! Just look at all you get done already. Well done. And no apologies required.

Scrappy quilter said...

Sounds like you've been busy. Love what you got done.

Deb A said...

Fabric can wait but family time can't. Sounds like you had a great time.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Sounds like you are living life to the fullest - Go Girl!!!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...