I am learning how to upload all my pictures off of my phone using dropbox and so that has delayed me getting all the pictures so I can remind myself what the heck all we did on vacation! It was a whirlwind trip and it was exhausting! We had a great time though. My first quilt siting is above and was hanging in the Roswell UFO Museum. Cute little alien below was there too.
In Texas at a gas station we found a cute wall and mom had her picture taken.
Then her sister Nancy had hers taken too. They were super funny to travel with...lots of stopping to hit the bathroom, stretch and SHOP! These girls spend 45 minutes in a Cracker Barrel (that we didn't eat in!). They bought us all matching "road trip" glasses there too!
Kathy did not want her picture taken with the prisoners, but I got her when I was taking a picture of the flag.
Next stop was Oklahoma City to see the bombing memorial. The chairs were so symbolic and really made you stop in your tracks and think. I really wish there was no violence in the world.

The morning after arriving in Wisconsin, I met the kids for breakfast and then we went to Irvine Park (Hannah and Mac here on the bear, that reminds me I have an older picture somewhere from the first year this bear was up that I need to find!) and Olson's for the best ice cream, before Hannah and her boyfriend Nathan had to head back to Milwaukee. Hannah was starting her new job for a big accounting firm so the timing of my visit wasn't great for her, but I got to see her two days and treasured every minute! Mac lives in town so I spent plenty of time with him. Kathy and I took him grocery shopping, did his laundry with him twice and drove him back and forth to work. Discovered his bike had fallen apart (he doesn't drive or have a car) and he was walking over and hour to work one way. We bought him a bike--told him happy birthday early. He was thrilled! We did try to convince him to move to AZ with us (ongoing, lol) but he really wants to stay in Wisconsin. Recently his girlfriend died in a car accident and he isn't in the best place because of that, but he has many friends who seem to really care about him there and he doesn't want to leave them.

On to something sewing related--for my birthday this year this little baby just had to go home with me. It was at a flea market in Hayward and it was only 35 dollars. There is no foot pedal and the machine isn't pristine by any means, but the case was so beautiful and it reminded me of the one my grandmother had when I was a girl. So happy birthday to me!
My best friend from high school, Monica (who visited us here earlier this year) went shopping with us to Hayward, then a few days later took us to Alma to the Bluffs and to a vineyard where the three of us shared this bottle of wine (it was AWESOME) and she bought me another bottle to take home too!
Here we are at the bluffs. This little park was so beautiful! We brought a picnic lunch and had the place almost to ourselves. I can't believe I had never been there. We also found a quilt shop on the way and stopped there too!
Monica got this cool machine from a neighbor after she passed away. The cabinet is SO beautiful. I believe it is a treadle machine and all the original books and parts and such are in the drawers and cabinets. Love it!
I became a Godmother again at Koi's baptism. Afterwards we had a party out at my aunt's house...Hannah was able to make it so I got more pictures with both kids. They are so grown up now.
More later when I get more pictures loaded :)