Wednesday, May 8, 2013

More Blues and Some Woodworking

More blue spools!
 I watched Bonnie on QuiltCam last night and sewed up some more blue spools.  I am getting close to getting all those blues done!  I have not been trimming these up as I should be as I go and I know I will be wishing I did soon  Bonnie mentioned she thinks she has about 500 spools done.  Apparently her motto is GO BIG OR GO HOME!  I haven't counted but am sure I have less than 200...if I had to guess I would say 125.  Maybe I will count them soon.  I am happy they are seeing progress each month thanks to Angela's Rainbow BOM challenge, but 500..that Bonnie is AMAZING, seriously, like wow!
 In other news, Kathy is replicating the Adirondack chairs and table that my parents gave us a few years ago.  Ours were falling apart from the Arizona sun.  This is my table and this is Becky's second chair (she already picked up her table and another chair) my chairs are in progress too.  Coleman has been helping Kathy with the sanding and putting together of this stuff.  He is spending less time on his computer and more time doing this stuff which is great, but soon it will be TOO hot to be outside doing anything.  
Speaking of tables, after almost five years of being here we finally found some end tables in the mission style to match our entertainment center table.  So excited to have an all matching living room--finally!  Not sure why we didn't get to that sooner, but after not finding anything in the stores that really matched or struck me we just picked up cheap modern looking tables at Ikea.  Then funny enough I sort of stopped looking even though I hated those tables.  They will be recycled on to one of the boys--perfect bachelor type furniture!  

Had my final ASL 4 class today--well they did interviews so have a little bit of grading to do and then get final grades in the computer and other semester will be under my belt, whew!  I started taking an online class about teaching in the community college (which is required for teaching at a community college in AZ and is paid for by my college) and have finished three of my nine assignments already.  Brings back memories of homework squeezed in anywhere--my goal is to just do an assignment or two a week which is doable.  I looked ahead and the final assignment is creating my syllabus.  I am way ahead on that one, ha.  Just have to improve upon it based on the advice given in the course and I will be set.  Irony of it all, I am not sure I am actually teaching in the fall!  New health care laws mean changes for how many hours I can work with teaching and interpreting combined (used to be considered separate) so will be crunching numbers and figuring out what the plan is soon.

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New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...