Tuesday, July 7, 2015

PUP Challenge

At my Nimble Thimbles Quilt Guild meeting tonight we had our annual PUPS Challenge.  We brought in three Poor Unfinished Projects and shared why they weren't finished and then the group voted on which one was our challenge to complete before the following July meeting.  I am SUPER STOKED that they picked Talkin' Turkey!  I have eleven blocks done (goal is 24) and in the past month I have done the string piecing for these blocks because I was hoping it would get picked.  Lots of work left to go on the blocks, and the border too.  So excited to get this one back out again!  For those of you looking for the pattern, the block can be found in Quiltmaker’s 100 blocks by 100 designers vol 5 and the full quilt pattern is in Bonnie's  "String Fling."

Not chosen were Playing with Jacks and my not yet started Quilty Barn Along.


scraphappy said...

Great choice! This block collection is going to turn into a fabulous quilt. So happy to know that it will be sooner rather than later.

Amy said...

:) That's, like, such a cool idea!!! My Talkin' Turkey remains on the design wall... way-laid now that I've started Smith Mountain Morning (greens). LOL. That's how it goes in my life ;)

Keep us motivated, lady!

Roslyn said...

I did not know Talking Turkey until we made those blocks for the NASA quilt project. They are great blocks but time consuming, very smart to get thhe string piecing done ahead.

Kevin the Quilter said...

Git'R'Done! I am to the borders of my Talkin' Turkey now. And with 2 months until Bonnie comes to town, I think I can get it all quilted and bound! I CAN'T wait to see your rainbow version!

Scrappy quilter said...

I love that pattern and it is on my to do list some day.

scraphappy said...

Just wanted to let you know that you are showing up as no reply all of the sudden.

Old Town Mystery is Coming Along!

Old Town clues are getting done each week. This clue is in progress.  After making the yellow hst's above Bonnie's way I decided to ...