Friday, October 22, 2010

Flock of Triangles is Bound :)

I got a little crazy the other day and ordered some new daily dishes and a salad bowl set! Here is a picture (borrowed from QVC) that shows the style and colors I picked. Confetti, lol was the color and I just couldn't resist it. June has these dishes and gave me four mugs when I fell in love with them last year. So now I will have a set of eight dishes. I am really excited becasue the "dessert" plates are 8 inches and I plan to use them for my new dinner plate...supposedly this helps you eat less!

I also went to my very first Pilates class today. A friend of mine from work (Amanda T.) talked me into it and it was fun. She is really encouraging and I think I am going to go once a week to start with and see if it clicks with me. The teacher seemed great and the price is right so...time to amp it up. LOL, as if!
I put a scrappy binding on the Denyse Schmidt Flock of Triangles quilt and a label too. Finally took some pictures of it today. This one is going ot be in an art show if all goes as planned. I am pretty excited because I have always wanted to enter a quilt into the fair or a show and just never do. Ros of course did the quilting...leaves all over this kind of makes it feel fallish though the colors are summery!

And as promised, better pictures of my new bowl. I am a nut, I know!

Look so cool if you ask me!

And Flock of Triangles from another angle. I am so tickled with this quilt. When I was making it I was planning to give it away but now I am kind of attached to it! I also haven't heard from my cousin if she got the quilt I sent out last week...hoping it gets to her soon!
Well off to work on my Outside the Box quilt because I need to get the top together for the show. Hope there is plenty of sewing in your weekend too!


3anklebiters said...

love your flock of triangles. you're not a nut about the bowl, i have several student art projects from when i worked at a college. they are great reminders of great times.

Roslyn said...

Love your new bowl very cool! And the dishes yoou ordered you know I love them too!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...