Today I decided to devote my sewing time to Christmas gift making. I made six pairs of these little flannel PJ shorts. They are all about the same size but so are the little boys they are all going to.
Then I made another Paganini Schnibbles doll quilt. I think this one may go to Ayla and the one I had already made will go to one of Randy's grandaughters. He has four, so I have a few more to make! I went ahead and made a different version of Paganini for this one. It is really a fun pattern! I didn't add any sashing or borders because it was plenty big just as it.

Next I finally got to sewing these cute little tiny Mickey Mouse potholders. The pattern is at
www.quilttaffy.blogspot.com/2009/02/mickey-mouse-hotpad-potholder-tutorial.html and it is the first thing I used my bag of selvdges for. This first picture shows what the back of two of them look like, the other two have black ginko fabric on them.

The last one I made was the one on the bottom left and it turned out to be my favorite and I am keeping that one to remind me of our trip to Disneyland this year. One of these will go to my daughter Hannah for the same reason. My aunt Nancy is nutso for Mickey Mouse and has her whole kitchen done up really cute so she will be getting one of these. Her daughter Tara already commented on my facebook that she needs one, so I suspect I will be making more of these, maybe with strips instead of selvedges. They are quick and easy though!
Tonight we decided to move the treadmill from our bedroom upstairs (where there is no longer a TV) and the loveseat from downstairs up. Of course it didn't go quite as planned. The loveseat didn't fit up the stairs, so we took an overlarge reclining chair that comes apart so we could get it upstairs up there. I decided as long as we were moving things I should clean and rearrange. So the living room and the bedroom are now all set up just as we want them, for now! I also cleaned out my dressers, closet and three totes of clothes! I am donating about three totes now and I have reorganized and am all set. What a great feeling that is. Then believe it or not, I rode my bike even though I was so tired and had already taken a shower! I lost one pound this past week. Getting really close to 25!
Oh and congratulations to my brilliant daughter Hannah! She is a junior in college for accounting and after two interviews just got hired at a good company as an corporate tax intern and is even making decent money! She is over the moon and I am so proud of her. I am so glad I have this middle child...if for nothing else than to prove I did something right! I love the boys too, but she is the only one like me in terms of setting and keeping her goals...so far anyway!