Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Puddle Jumping Mystery Clue Three Done and Another Win!

Clue three of the Puddle Jumping Mystery took me some time last night and a good bit of today to complete! I kept wandering off and doing other things and I watched way too much Wife Swap and Shark Week stuff while working on it, time well spent!
All marked and sewn and then cut.

It is sideways, but you can see the stack I have that needs trimming!

I used my little mat and a 3.5 inch ruler to easily trim and turn, trim and turn, repeat again and again until my index finger hurts from accidently pressing into the little hole on this ruler over and over!

And all of my half square triangles are trimmed...see that pile of trimmings? I did have to unsew and resew about a dozen of them because they were just a titch too small. I need to learn to sew on or in the line, not on the other side apparently!
I also had to show you this green and red is so far my favorite in this civil war quilt. I just can't stop looking at the cute fabric...not sure what it is that makes me smile so but it does!

Then we get to my win! Melinda from sent me this adorable basket for her post 999! I love it! Many years ago I learned how to weave baskets and have made quite a few (before I was into quilting really) and still have a few. So I do know the work that goes into these beauties. Dawn at made it and it is called a Cabinboy. I have already filled it up with stuff and then changed my mind and filled it up with different stuff. And now I am thinking I should put a portable project and supplies in it and put it in my living room instead of leaving it up here. Decisons, decisions! Thanks Melinda!

I think I am the world's luckiest blogger this week....two wins and I think I have another one coming still :)


Jane said...

That makes for a lovely workbasket, very lucky indeed

Wacky Woman said...

You finished clue three, yea! I haven't even started yet. Tomorrow is my day to work on it. Nic basket.

Amy said...

OMGoodness! What a post!!!
First--I know all about "wandering off", so good for you to eventually wander back
Second--impressive stack! How ever did you manage to stack them sideways??? ;0) {{giggle!!}}
Thirdly -- I'm in AWE of your trimmings! I H*TE trimming!
Fourthly---ADORABLE basket win. Lucky Ducky!

Melinda said...

I am so glad the basket arrived safely. I am sure you will enjoy it. I love mine. It is currently filled with yo-yo's

Quilter Kathy said...

That sure is a lot of trimming to do...don't you love that little rotating mat?!?

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...