Monday, August 9, 2010

Progress on Short Story....

We are now getting Bountiful Baskets almost every week and have loads of fruit and veges to eat. I had a ton of broccoli and cauliflower and so I found a recipe online and made soup. Everyone liked it and we used up lots of veges!
I also had collected a bunch of bananas in the freezer for banana I made three loafs using my great grandma Myrt's recipe. It turned out really well too. I brought some in to work today and am bringing a loaf to June's for sewing day with her and BJ and Ros tomorrow. I am quite excited for that and so tonight I got a bunch of my strips cut for Bonnie Hunter's Pineapple Blossom and also spent a long time cutting and pinning for Short Story!

I hope to make lots of progress on this at June's and if time to work on some Pineapple Blossom blocks too! I also continued working on organizing my fabric....I am going through my drawers that are organized by color and if the chunk of fabric is big enough I am folding it and putting it on the shelf and if it isn't I cut it into strips. I really like being able to see my fabric and envision a day when I have two and a half inch strips (the size I seem to use the most of) sorted by color or somewhat sorted by color to make it easier to use! Sometimes I just like to sit here and see that I do actually have a little stash!


Wacky Woman said...

How fabulous that you are growing vegetables. Your soup looks very yummy. I only planted tomatoes and herbs this year. Looking forward to seeing your new Bonnie Hunter quilt.

Amy said...

Oh boy....yummy looking soup and even YUMMIER looking banana bread!!!! Mind sharing your recipe? I have two recipes, one better than the other because of how the "crust" remains kinda tacky and moist. Your pic looks like that!

OOOOOOooooooo....Compaiion Angle ruler! DUH! Why didn't I see that before? Oh gosh---what a simple process for a not-so-simple-looking block! Thanks for including the ruler in the pic! ;0)

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...