Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Some Sad News and some Good News

My Uncle Dan passed away this past month.  He flew to Arizona for a Spring Break trip and collapsed in the airport.  It took a bit for his body to come back to Wisconsin, so last week we had the funeral.  Combine that with my Mom's health declining (she went in for chemo and changed her mind since the prep caused another heart attack) I decided to go be with the family for the week.  I tried hard to pace myself so I would not get worse again this summer as I did last summer.  Here is my uncle's obituary:  


Dan, age 59, of Eau Claire passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday morning, March 21st, 2023 in Phoenix, AZ. Dan was born February 7th, 1964 at Luther Hospital in Eau Claire, WI to DeLos and Charlene Walker. Dan was a loving husband, Dad, Papa and brother.

Dan married Babette King on June 21st, 1986 in Eau Claire, WI. Together that had two beautiful daughters, Taylor Ann Walker and Ashley Marie Walker, one Grandson Brayden Walker. All were a very important part of his life. 

Dan graduated from Memorial High School in 1982 and attend UWEC and graduated in 1986 with a BS in Accounting. Dan received his CPA License in 1987 and was a Partner at Wipfli LLC where he worked for 37 yrs and had planned to retire on May 31st, 2023. 

Dan loved spending time at his Cabin (his happy place) on Lower Long Lake, in New Auburn, WI and enjoyed fishing for hours with his grandson Brayden. Dan also loved hosting family and friends at the Cabin during the summer months. Dan enjoyed playing golf and taking Brayden golfing as well. Dan was an avid sports fan and enjoyed going to Packer games at Lambeau Field, as well as attending many other sporting events with family and friends. Dan was a walking encyclopedia when it came to sports. Dan coached both his daughters in basketball, and loved attending all their sporting events, and other milestones in their lives and was very proud of both his daughters' accomplishments and loved them dearly. Most recently Dan enjoyed being involved his grandson Brayden’s sports activities which included hockey, baseball and football, etc. Brayden was Dan’s “mini me”, buddy and partner in crime. Dan loved and cherished his family dearly.

Dan was a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accounts (AICPA), Wisconsin Institute of Certified Public Accounts (WICPA), Wisconsin Government Finance Officers Association (WGFOA), Wisconsin Counties Association (WCA), and Eau Claire Jaycee’s.

Dan was preceded in death by his mother Charlene (Rushman) Walker and father Delos Walker. Along with his grandparents, aunts and uncles, and other family members.

Dan is survived by his loving wife Babette (King) Walker, daughter Taylor Ann Walker, daughter Ashley Marie Walker, and grandson Brayden Walker who gave his Papa absolute Joy! Dan is also survived by his Brother Steven Walker of Eau Claire, WI, sisters Toni (Gary) Hirn of Marshfield, WI, and Nancy (Greg) Pederson of Tilden, WI along with many other close relatives and friends. 

I quilted my Kathleen Tracey Mini Sampler with baptist fans a few weeks ago.  Pretty happy with how it turned out.
I got the binding on my Hawaii Sunset quilt after it came back from Melissa who quilted it.  
I finally made this cute Red Button "Little Blooms" pattern that Barb made awhile back.  I admired hers so much I had to make one.  I plan to quilt it with a meander.  I ordered a new template/pattern to use and am looking forward to getting to it.
My brother Sam and his wife Ashley and youngest son, Bear flew in for the funeral and to spend some time with Mom and Dad.  Bear and Hazel hit it off immediately.  It was really fun to watch them play together.
Barb and I sewed the April block for A Quilting Life's BOM.  Mine below.

In better news, we put bids on six houses and finally got the last house.  It is still in the process of closing so keep your fingers crossed.  If all goes well, we will be moving in May.  We will be about 13 minutes from Hazel and granddaughter two!  I have parathyroid surgery tomorrow and am hoping for a fast recovery and we scheduled movers for mid May.  April is kind of a whirlwind and May is looking the same.  


The Joyful Quilter said...

So sorry to hear of your family's loss. Congrats on your two quilt finishes and best of luck with your surgery and the upcoming move, Andee!

Vireya said...

Condolences on the sudden passing of your Uncle. That must have been a shock for everyone.

Best wishes for your surgery recovery.

The picture of Hazel and Bear is adorable.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...