When I lay out the dark blocks I am less happy! I feel like the orange really stands out and does not work well. I also cannot find a good mix for these blocks. I move one, then have to move another then another, etc.
I decided to just put the top and the curve together and revisit the bottom on another day. Here it is together. Weeks and Bill told us to "nail the curve" which was great advice so I spent quite a bit of time getting this large curve just right. A few things did not line up as I wanted but I got it there.
I am not happy with the curve on the right which is orange. When I set the rest of the curve blocks beside it, the curve is not great--kind of hard to see.
I decided to redo that corner with a darker color so I will be happier with it.
Then I had to figure out a configuration that worked for the bottom darker blocks. I copied the pattern for the top for the most part and it looked great, but the bottom did not.
I put them on my bed and changed them around and around and took pictures.
I put most of the orange on the bottom and feel like I like the look of it better in the rows above the orange. I decide to redo many of the orange blocks.
The picture above winds up being the one I go with but I changed that triangle block to green and blue. (I have eleven extra blocks and some parts left over).
I am over the moon happy with how this turned out. I could see making the curve again in another quilt. I would love this where the curve blocks use a dark and a light of the same block so the fade looks even cooler. I am kind of surprised we did not do it that way. I CANNOT WAIT to see everyone's quilt on March 3rd! We are to keep our finishes a secret until then. This mystery had three different reveals and we got to pick which one we liked the best. This was my favorite, but I liked one of the others quite a bit too.
I wish I had done their first mystery when they did it. I never heard about it at the time. Not sure we can still get it--think they may have retired it. The directions were superb with many pictures and video to go with each clue. If they do another mystery down the road, I am in.
Here is Hazel doing some "sewing" like her Lala. She potty trained super easily (not one accident at my house) and loves to read. This girl is the light of my life. I enjoy every minute I get with her and am looking forward to her baby sister too!

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