Sunday, January 9, 2022

Mystery Progress and the Start of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!

I started my Rainbow Scrap Challenge for 2022!  I am doing Bonnie Hunter's Log Cabin Love in Quiltmaker but took out the HST in the center and put in a square.  I forgot how crazy these can be to sew.  I remember Bonnie's tip that you should always sew over two seams when you add a log.  I did a little unsewing and decided next month I will be labeling them in order of how they go...I do not like that the magazine labeled two with each letter so you have to figure out which color goes next and it is not super easy for me!  Slows me way down.  

I plan to make four of each color so I will have a decent size quilt at the end.
I also made four of the butterfly bush blocks.  I am planning to make two doll quilts from these.  One for Lily and one for another lucky little one.  They are fun to make!  Linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  I hope you are sewing along!

As for R Trail....we were lucky enough to get another clue (and not the reveal) this week.  Here is a reminder of what the first blocks look like.  
I got everything cut Friday.  I made three of the B blocks on Saturday.  

Today I sewed more...I think I have seven to go.  I needed a break so I decided to blog.  
Barb put her mystery away for now but is finishing up the Attic Stars quilt from NYE.  Here are her blocks so far.  I cannot wait to see the top!

Kathy and I went to a bunch of free little libraries yesterday and traded out lots of books.  Hazel made out like a bandit!
I got these.  


I just finished "Bitter Orange" this morning.  Such a trippy book!  I really liked it though not sure I know what is what from it!  


I got these from Goodwill and then realized that I just finished listening to "The Address" and loved it so I wanted more Fiona Davis books.  Oops, all but that one.  Haha!

My cousin sent me this picture of Bella with her baby quilt I sent her years ago when she was born.  She still uses it!


1 comment:

Sandy Panagos said...

Your log cabins are so pretty. Keeping all those pieces in order can definitely be a challenge. Would it help to lay out a whole block with spaces between and take a photo to reference? The photo of Bella is precious!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...