Thursday, January 27, 2022

Valentine's Mini Mystery and Ruby Jubilee in Other Colors!

I finished up the flimsy for Kathleen Tracy's Mini Valentine Mystery today.  Nice and simple.  Barb's is below though she added a roses border on hers and it is cute!


I sewed with Becky a few days ago and convinced her to start Ruby Jubilee! She wasted no time in picking out fabrics and whipping these up.  She was my blogging friend before I moved to Arizona and we lived close enough together out there to be in the same guild!  You may remember we did the Quiltville cruise together and lots of hiking too.  Now we sew together online now and then.  SEW much fun!  Barb finished hers up in greens.  It is going to be so cool to see these three come together in three different colorways.  The next issue of Quiltmaker is out digitally and so I know we have plenty of blocks to make in the next few months. I get it on Scribd which I have a free trial of.  I just cannot figure out how to print from it (unless I screenshot and do it that way and it usually does not enlarge well when I try that) and though I have the patterns from Quiltmaker and could go that route, I am tempted to just wait for my actual issue to arrive.  I have plenty to keep me busy!

Recently finished these two books.  I liked them both.

I have been working on R Trail and so it is trimmed, stay stitched, aqua borders cut and added and final borders assembled.  I am hoping to get at least two of them on tonight, more if I have the energy. 

In family and health news:  my daughter, son in law and granddaughter are over covid.  My oldest has it again (I think this is the third time) and it looks like my mom and dad have it too.  My sister thinks she had it a week or two ago.  It is crazy contagious and amazing Kathy and I have not caught it, but with all my medical appointments I feel like it won't be long.  Hazel starts daycare next week so we may pick it up from her (and Hannah starts a new job too) so our exposure will be greater.  I have enough issues without that on top of it.  Not sure if I told you guys but my RRMS was changed to PPMS.  They originally thought I had PPMS, then decided I did not and now the new neuros think that was what I originally had.  Of course, that is the worse type and I have been on meds that do not help the other type which explains my downward spiral somewhat.  I have now started PT and OT and they are putting in for a scooter (I got a walker already) so I can get around if I need to.  May your health be good!


Saturday, January 22, 2022

Growing the Rhododendron Trail Quilt!

I finally tied this eye spy quilt (and another one, no picture) after a long time of it hanging out waiting.  

I have been growing R Trail by a row or two each day.  I am now on the other half row three!  So three giant rows to go, then on to borders.  If you are doing this beast, how is it coming along?  

I won this beautiful book from a booktuber (MsReadsAlot) and I happily passed on my cheap paperback copy on to Jay.  This one is so fancy!  It has beautiful full color pictures inside too.  Years ago, I read a story a night aloud to Kathy but we eventually stopped. No idea where, but may have to start that up again with this copy!
These were the rest of my advent calendar gifts.  My favorite was the Jane Eyre Christmas ornament.  The books are always nice too!


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Making Progress!

I  got my Ruby Jubilee all cut and sewn (two blocks not pictured, but they are all done).  Loving all the reds!  This may not be for my RSC but they are all red so linking up!
Barb got her first two blocks done too!  She is doing green.
Finished this book today.  It was alright.  Sending it on to my mom.
Still reading this one with my book club.  Much better than "The Iliad" in my opionion!
I did the simple little clue for Kathleen Tracy's Valentine mystery today.

I finally started assembling R Trail tonight.  I cannot tell you how tricky this one is for me.  I started out doing both ends at the same time like I usually do.  Then I realized that the butterfly blocks are tricky and I should check that both ends were the same.  They are not.  Unsewing and reusing what can be reused with less unsewing commenced.  I also realized that every other row the first half block and last half block switch.  So lots of checking and doublechecking before sewing.  The one inch sashing and cornerstones also require time and attention and pins!  


Sunday, January 16, 2022

Books and Progress on Two Mystery Quilts

My advent book box finally arrived.  I decided to go ahead and read one story and open one gift a day.  So far I have opened these:
Day two was sheer-ish drapes with book quotes on them.  I did not take a picture apparently.  So far story two was the best.  I have not read today's yet.
I decided to do the booktube spin publicly this time.  Here are my twenty books for all the pulls this year (or at least the start books get read they will get replaced).  They pulled two numbers and I got Earthbound and The Pursuit of Mary Bennet.  Looking forward to them!

Currently reading "Hamnet," "The Odyessey," "The Twelve Days of Bookmas," and Violetta from Netgally.  Also listening to "Maybe in Another Life."


My daughter has Covid (and likely my granddaughter though so far not her hubby).  We seem to have escaped it (though early yet to know) and we went ahead with our finally scheduled Booster shots yesterday.  Hitting Kathy harder than me as usual.  My MS keeps my body busy.  I am having new symptoms and finally saw my new neuro and his fellow.  They have changed my diagnosis to Primary Progressive Multiple Schlerois (PPMS) and will change my medication.  The meds I have been on do not help with this type (the worse type) of MS.  Lucky me.  Three times a week burning shots for several years and they were not even helping me.  Shaking my head.  Grateful to have switched my PCP to a good doctor who referred me to these guys.  Things are going to improve from here.  They already started me a new med for my leg pain and are getting approval for anther to help me walk.  Next up, infusions.  I got my new walker too.  I just need to sit and rest a lot but hopefully can do a few more things now that I have it--once Covid calms down.

Okay, now on to quilting which is what most of you came for!  This is not the greatest picture, but I only have so much floor space, and even less wall space!  Bug had to run on in and pose too.  This was the Attic Stars mystery quilt from New Year's Eve/Day.  The pattern is still available online free for now.  I love how it came out.  Barb's is great too but so far no picture of it all.

Friday the reveal for R Trail came out.  I somehow managed to sew the corners, and setting blocks in both directions (Hazel stayed home with sick Mama).  

Here are all the parts so far.  (Whoops, except the flying geese!) Not sure I am loving adding the aqua.  Will play with it a bit.  


Sunday, January 9, 2022

Mystery Progress and the Start of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!

I started my Rainbow Scrap Challenge for 2022!  I am doing Bonnie Hunter's Log Cabin Love in Quiltmaker but took out the HST in the center and put in a square.  I forgot how crazy these can be to sew.  I remember Bonnie's tip that you should always sew over two seams when you add a log.  I did a little unsewing and decided next month I will be labeling them in order of how they go...I do not like that the magazine labeled two with each letter so you have to figure out which color goes next and it is not super easy for me!  Slows me way down.  

I plan to make four of each color so I will have a decent size quilt at the end.
I also made four of the butterfly bush blocks.  I am planning to make two doll quilts from these.  One for Lily and one for another lucky little one.  They are fun to make!  Linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  I hope you are sewing along!

As for R Trail....we were lucky enough to get another clue (and not the reveal) this week.  Here is a reminder of what the first blocks look like.  
I got everything cut Friday.  I made three of the B blocks on Saturday.  

Today I sewed more...I think I have seven to go.  I needed a break so I decided to blog.  
Barb put her mystery away for now but is finishing up the Attic Stars quilt from NYE.  Here are her blocks so far.  I cannot wait to see the top!

Kathy and I went to a bunch of free little libraries yesterday and traded out lots of books.  Hazel made out like a bandit!
I got these.  


I just finished "Bitter Orange" this morning.  Such a trippy book!  I really liked it though not sure I know what is what from it!  


I got these from Goodwill and then realized that I just finished listening to "The Address" and loved it so I wanted more Fiona Davis books.  Oops, all but that one.  Haha!

My cousin sent me this picture of Bella with her baby quilt I sent her years ago when she was born.  She still uses it!


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Ups and Downs is a Flimsy!

I have about a third of the blocks left for clue six of R Trail.  Making progress and on track for the next clue Friday.  Hoping it is not the reveal as we have a lot left to go!
I purposely made this quilt my #12 UFO since that was the first pull in the American Patchwork and Quilting UFO draw.  I decided to copy Bonnie's border on her Scrappy Mountain Majesties instead of a plain border or more mountains around the outside.  I would have loved the mountains, but I would have had to make another whole set of them.  So yay on an easy cross off!  

 I started reading "The Oddysey" yesterday with the Ecclectic Book Club.  On the third book and liking it SO much better than "The Illiad."  I am also reading "Hamnet" with a small group and loving that one!  

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Progress on Three Mysteries and My Favorite Books of the Year!

New Year's Eve (New Year's Day in New Zealand where Debi from lives) Barb and I started sewing around 2 PM my time.  Hazel was here and napping so I managed to get through clue one before she woke up.  Clue two was a SLOG since Hazel wanted to be near me (Bumpa had the day off and tried to entertain but she is used to me being with her and wanted to see what was happening in the room next to her) and we had to make fourteen blocks total for the clue!   

After Hazel left, I continued sewing til this second clue was done and I hurt everywhere.  I do not have the stamina I used to.  Into the tub I went and the mystery had to wait.
New Year's Day I got up and got to sewing the Merry Mayhem Ups and Downs mystery #146 at 9 AM my time.  Barb joined me a few hours later--she fell back to sleep!  I listened to my audiobook arc "The German Wife" and cut and stitched away.  Clue one (above) was simple and so I started working on R Trail clue six.  Clue two and three had us sewing the strips into these blocks.  I got that done and finished the prep for R Trail. ( I had cut and sewed what I needed to on NYE morning before Hazel came to visit).
The next to last clue was putting it into rows.  We had several layout choices.  I had made this pattern previously (Bonnie's) and wanted to do a different layout.  I chose this one and put it together.  I had to think on the borders--they can be two plain ones or more of these blocks around the outside.  Would love to add more blocks to it or to the outside since I have more left in the layer cake, so I did not add borders and decided to wait to commit.
Then I went back to Ups and Downs and completed these blocks.  After that I went to bed!
Here is Barb's!  

Today I got the last blocks made (below) and cut the setting triangles.  
Here are all the parts all stacked up.  The layout is really nice though it is on point and I just do not have it in me to lay it all out on the floor and get up and down to sew it.  It will wait.  
So my next sewing will be Bonnies' R Trail.  I laid out the first one to see what it would look like.  We have to make quite a few of these blocks and the next clue is Friday.  I am hoping to keep up, but we shall see.  
I wrote up my new UFO challenge sheet though I do not have many UFO's I put things that I have cut and prepped, the two new mysteries above, blocks that were donated to me, etc. so I can have a focus each month if I like.
I am participating the Rainbow Scrap Challenge again this year and picked out Log Cabin Love for my block.  I also plan to make some Butterfly Bush blocks--enough to make Lily a doll quilt.  

 I really enjoyed the book above (just finished it today) and am looking forward to the second book in the series.

Pretty happy with my books read this year.  I did not start CRAZY reading until about October so most of my books came at the end.  Here are my favorites of the year!  I somehow forgot one of the best when making this list from my Goodreads--"The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo." I already want to reread that one which is rare.

Happy new year!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...