Monday, November 28, 2016

En Provence--How Did I Choose My Palette?

 At our kickoff party we had three Quiltville show and tells that were not Allietare.  Ros sent my Talkin' Turkey to the party with BJ.  She quilted it beautifully as always.  Now go get this LONG TIME project bound!
 Ros also quilted BJ's Easy Street.  Love how this one turned out.  This third one I think is wonky stars and for the life of me I cannot recall who spread it out to show us.  She mentioned it to me and I wandered over a took a picture not sure who it was...anyone recall I will edit this post!  It too is gorgeous!  I just love these scrappy quilts!

Bonnie always has amazing designs and the best colors.  You cannot go wrong by following her palette.  For the first several that is just what I did.  Then one day I decided the whole of Quiltville was copying and I should change it up. I have actually learned a lot from doing this.  My Celtic Solstice is quite unique since I did a green and lime green not realizing that the two greens would read kind of close next to each other and would change the look of the design completely.  It is still gorgeous luckily but I do not have the round designs that others have because of that switch.  I have also learned too many mediums does not a good mystery quilt make.  My Grand Illusion is a little too muted for me and I should have gone dark with some of the colors.  Now I like to think that is easier for me!

 Here are Bonnie's colors.  Very pretty but I want more unique so I went to Design Seeds and created a Pinterest board to pin them on.  Eventually I decided on this one.
Here are my fabric choices though I think some of the reds are with the peachy colors.  Really looking forward to the mystery as always.  Cannot believe I forgot to blog about my color choices!  So here they are. 
Kathy is doing her quilt in Patriots colors.  She is keeping this one. 


Vireya said...

Love your colour palette! It will be lovely to see how it comes together as we go along.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Nice inspiration photo! Thanks for sharing your fabric selections.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...