Saturday, May 2, 2015

Empty Nester and Catching Up on RSC!

 Thursday night we took Coleman out for steak (and ribs) for his farewell dinner.  Then at the crack of dawn on Friday morning he flew to Minneapolis where Chelsea picked him up and drove on in to Eau Claire.  He is having a great time and has already called us a few times :)
 Today after Pilates (and I lost 2.4 pounds this week!) Kathy and I stopped at SAS and bought some fabric cheap.  Didn't really need it, but felt like I needed a pick me up!  After some yard work and pantry cleaning Kathy and I got to sewing.  She is on clue five of Grand Illusion and I was working on April's RSC purple.  I thought Angela hadn't gotten around to posting the second block.  I haven't been reading my blogs with my new job (love it!) we don't have internet on the computers there and I haven't brought my own laptop.  So blog reading has gone by the wayside lately.  I looked for it a week or so ago and I must not have gone far enough back.  Tonight I found it!  Broken Sugar Bowl in purple.
 Our block party block for Nimble Thimbles is "Scrappy Hexies" from the recent issue of McCalls.  I had some difficulty in the beginning.  Realized I was making triangles!
 I did some trimming and they turned out about as good as I could expect.  I would love to make a bunch of these and do a quilt, but not sure I love the trimming constantly.  It interrupts the sewing!

 I then got to the April bitty blocks that didn't happen at Quilt Camp.  Kathy and I went for a walk 1.3 miles to the McDonald's down the street (first time to walk and first time I have ever been inside) and we got an ice cream cone.  It was dark and on the way home it started to rain, but it was a good way to get some steps in!  I am sure the cone negated the walk, but it is what it is.  After that I made the May bitty blocks in green since that is the RSC color for May.  Bear paws, these blocks are so much fun!

 I am still hoping I can make two tiny sampler type quilts with these blocks when they are done, but they are different sizes so we shall see.
 Then without Coleman's help we had to figure out the TV!  Our large downstairs TV has gone on the fritz (a little over a year or so old) and so we swapped the bedroom TV to the downstairs, the quilting studio TV to the bedroom and Coleman's TV to the quilting studio.  Size wise this made sense, but of course this TV didn't get rehooked up til tonight.  I can never even figure out how to switch it to netflix or dvd.  Tonight Kathy figured it all out and then I even learned!  (TV remote input 5 and turn on the dvd then over to movie or premium and viola!).  No changing of cords like we have to do in the bedroom.  I think I got this!  Oh and watched Robin Williams in "Angry Man in Brooklyn" which was pretty good.
 Last I sewed the Sawtooth Star block in green.  Despite my notes about which color is the bigger one for when I cut the squares to make Quilt in a Day flying geese, I still screwed it up.  Pretty sure my notes are wrong because I followed them.  May be taking this one apart or may just put it with the other screw ups for the back.  OY!
Linking up with SoScrappy for the fabulous Rainbow Scrap Challenge!


Marly said...

Your green block is charming with the sawtooth in a cross. I wouldn't unpick it, but put it in the box of orphans and add it into a really scrappy quilt one day!

Pamela Arbour said...

That is so easy to do. I did the same thing on my first saw tooth block. It makes a nice block, just not a sawtooth star block! LOL I have learned to be so very careful now when cutting my squares for the no-waste flying geese method. Love your fabrics.

The Joyful Quilter said...

All of your blocks are turning out SO cute. LOVE the Scrappy Hexie! I wouldn't worry about your Sawtooth Star in a Cross block. It will add character to your quilt... or you could add it to the back, if you're not brave enough to show blocks with "design features" on the front. :P

Magpie Sue said...

Your green star looks good even if it isn't quite what you intended. ;- )
The purple Sugar Bowl block is lovely.

Scrappy quilter said...

I like your green block. Great job!

Deb A said...

I love how that last block came out. I'd call it a happy accident! Congrats on the 2+ pounds lost! Sounds like you guys are doing ok without the tv tech. The fabric add was just the thing to pick you up I hope. Have a great week Andi.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...