New Year's sewing weekend was a lot of fun! My health cooperated and I was able to sew two days in a row! I put our usual Burgendy Beef in the crockpot (with organic soup which still gave me a bit of a migraine, darn).

This pic is the start of BJ's Nuts and Bolts mystery. While I was waiting for my mystery to start I worked on my Chilhowie blocks but once the mystery started there was not time to get back to them!
BJ started out with her Cuts and Bolts mystery (the rest of us did not cut that one out) and then switched over to the Sparking New Year mystery with me, Barb, and Becky sewing along. Andrea joined us but worked on one of her Quiltville UFO's since she just moved and was still unpacking her stash.
Mine have the strawberries and Becky's have the mushrooms.
As you can see there are a zillion hst's in this quilt and they had us make them "eight at a time" which is not the easiest or most accurate for me. I much prefer using Bonnie's Essential Triangle Tool. I can make them with that and almost none need any size adjustment. The way we did them for this mystery you had to use a scant seam (even though you had to draw lines) and so some where big and some were small. I am still trimming them (almost 500 of them) and this clearly was not a one day mystery. Many people complained, but I think Craftsy just did not explain well that this was not to be completed at the time. It was frustrating how fast they seemed to think we could sew. I do love the pattern, but will not be attempting other one of their's in real time.

BJ's in progress above.
On Sunday Becky had other plans so she did not join us, but the rest of us were back at it. Again I started out the day sewing Chilhowie while waiting for a clue and was able to make some good progress, I hit it every time there was a lull in the Merry Mayhem #176 mystery.
This was a doable one day mystery. I had it complete (sans borders) by the time the last mystery started at 2 PM.
I used fall fabrics. Barb used Scooby-Doo!
BJ's blocks so far.
I forgot to get a pic of us all sewing, but here are some of us!
My top.
I was able to get the borders on between clues of the last mystery and then I went back to Chilhowie between. I pretty much tabled the Sparkling New Year other than Kathy helped me with trimming (still not done) and I ironed and stacked as much as I could.

One the Mystery Quilts Anon Tea Party started we were off and running on that. Everyone set aside the other stuff for the most part and worked on this one. The last clue did not come out til midnight my time or something so I knew it would not get completed on Sunday!
This pic is as far as I made it that day.
Below with the browns is Barb's.
BJ's blocks are these:
Yesterday I sewed the block below and then today Barb got hers done (above).
The last clue got done today too.
I also managed to sew some more Chilhowie yesterday and finished up the clue today. I am ready for Friday's clue again!
Super fun so far. Plenty more to go!