This quilt saw a stall when I was at a loss as to what else to add to it. I am a pattern follower and just am not sure what to do next. It may just be done as is, we shall see depending on when it gets picked.
2. CIRCA 2016
I have a whole bunch of little blocks to make for this quilt. I just have not had time to get back to it!
This one was the January pick and I pulled out the old stitching and requilted it and got it bound. DJ originally quilted it and had trouble with the loops. I am going to send it to my cousin Tara since her Christmas box for Koi hasn't gone out yet.
This was the 35th Ave. BOM the first year we participated. Kathy got hers done and gifted that same year. Mine has the black borders on (could not find a picture of that) but the last border did not fit right. At the time I could not figure out what I had done wrong and gave up on it. I need to pull it out and see what needs to be fixed and make a backing. Hopefully an easy UFO and I will be glad to get it in the quilting line.
Barb gave me these cute little blocks awhile back. I would like to center them in star blocks and make a baby quilt.
I have made two of these already. This one needs border fabric (I want to get Packer fabric and need to buy it) and I have another one with the four patches made. I have no shortage of people who want Packer quilts and I want to do one of these for my Godson Koi and no idea who the other is for at this point, but I know it will find a home.
7. TULA PINK CITY SAMPLERI got tired of making these blocks a few years ago and so I put them away. I enjoy making them but have not clear purpose for these so it lost steam. I should try to do one or two each week so when this gets picked I have a chance to get it done!
I have this top together already. I had planned on giving it to Barrett (soon to be born to my brother and his fiance) but they already have one I made at their house! So I will get a backing and tie this one when its number comes up and it will find a home at some point. Meanwhile, I think Barrett will wind up with the Betty's Choice and Amy blocks that I just got done with--if I can part with it!
This one stalled because the blocks are not all the same size and so I have no idea how to turn it in to anything. I need to just dig in my other extra blocks and see what I can do with them or just add the to that bin!
I finally have all the blocks done from this long forgotten Rainbow BOM. I was waiting for Bonnie's book to come out to decide if I wanted to complete it the way she did hers. She added a really pretty sashing between all of her blocks...that seems like a complicated process for me since my quilt it a rainbow of colors. Not sure that will add anything to it. I do like how she did her borders where she brings out the star points though. Just not sure if I should sew the blocks together and attempt the outer border or attempt her sashing and see how it looks.
Had to do this mini for myself. It stalled out because I am always afraid of doing the quilting myself. Barb showed me how to use my walking foot (Kathy got me for Christmas last year) and do a wavy stitch which actually looks pretty decent so I am hoping I can do this one justice!
12. NINES SURROUNDEDDitto for this little Bonnie quilt. I am kind of excited to do this one with the wavy stitch and get it on the wall!