I had kitted up a few cats a long time ago for Christmas gifts for my daughter and my son Mac's fiance. Pattern is from Lori Holt. So I finally worked on them last weekend and then finished them up today.
Last weekend I spent a few hours tracing out and attaching the scalloped binding for Allietare. I had to do quite a bit of easing since I neglected to do the binding out of the bias. Oops. It may be the last scalloped binding I attempt! Today I tried to machine bind the top half but had to rip out the two short sections I tried. I then decided to hand bind it though on the front. I did one long side today and have made a goal of doing one side per week so this will be done long before the next mystery starts!
Bonnie announced the next leader/ender challenge--Hourglasses. I was not sure that I really wanted to jump onboard with a new project because I have plenty of wips to work on, however I saw these cute placemats and thought I should at least make a set of four or six. So I will be prepping for the leaders and enders soon!
Packers won today (and so did the Patriots) so we are happy here.