Friday, November 6, 2015

Grand Illusion is Quilted, Bound and Labeled all in time for Allitare!

Jo and Kelly over at Jo's Country Junction are having their annual Pre-Mystery UFO link up every Wednesday.  I am happy to report I have my Grand Illusion back from Ros and I got it bound this past weekend.  I just have not had time to blog about it.  

 Bonnie signed the label and it is quilted right on.  You may remember we gave everyone at our mystery party last year a label to commemorate the mystery.  SEW much fun to get it on the quilt.
 I can hardly wait for Allietare!  the next mystery to begin.  I have not had a chance to pick colors or fabrics yet but am really looking forward to it.  If you have never done a mystery, check it out on!


TheEclecticAbuela said...

I, too, am looking forward to the next mystery. I just hope the first instruction isn't "Make 7243 QSTs that finish at 1 inch"! :)

Vireya said...

Congratulations on your timely Grand Illusion finish!

I'm looking forward to the new mystery. This time I'm going to use different colours - it's something I've considered each year but never been game enough yet. So this time I will!

Found out last week that Bonnie has had to cancel her trip to Australia next year, which is a shame. So doing the mystery is the closest I may ever get to doing a workshop with her!

scraphappy said...

Congratulations on getting last year's mystery finished up before the start of this year's. It looks fabulous. Now you can start a new quilt with no guilt at all.

Quilter Kathy said...

Congrats on a great finish!
Are you hosting a big party for Allietare kick off?!?

Sheila said...

Congratulations on a beautiful, timely finish!
I'm looking forward to sewing along with Bonnie, too. My plan is to sew only half the units and make a lap quilt instead of a huge quilt this year.

Julierose said...

Oh your quilt is just so lovely; congratulations on a beautiful finish! I am thinking of joining in on BH's new mystery this time....
I love the colors...hugs, Julierose

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats! on getting your Grand Illusion Mystery Quilt done in time to begin this year's edition. I've chosen my fabrics for the new one, but have yet to complete last year's quilt. Oh, well, what's ONE MORE UFO!!!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...