Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Old Town Mystery is Coming Along!

Old Town clues are getting done each week.
This clue is in progress.  After making the yellow hst's above Bonnie's way I decided to use my Thangles to make the next ones in purple and neutral. 

Here is an earlier clue.

I made two baby quilts with my Rainbow Scrap Challenge BOM blocks made from A Quilting Life's BOM patterns.  Not the best picture since it is winter and the sun goes down early!

 I also decided to whip up this ugly sweater wall hanging too. I need to quilt it, but I love it!  This was from the Missouri Star box last year.

Monday, December 23, 2024

New Year's Mysteries!


Super excited for the New Year's Eve and Day mysteries this year.  These are the fabrics I chose for Debi Montgomery's Through the Looking Glass Quilt for 2025

Here is the presewing for it.


I picked out my fabrics yesterday and got the cutting done today (Monday) for the Cuts and Bolts Mystery quilt on New Year's Eve.  Presewed four patches.

I did not like the presewing directions for making these units.  I wound up using Bonnie's ruler and cutting from the rectangles so they went together better.


I finally bought the Quilt in a Day ruler and it came in handy for trimming these blocks.  I took a stack of blocks out to the living room to draw lines on last Friday (nevermind I was supposed to cut these on the diagonal, not draw lines) and Hazel wanted to help me draw the lines.  


She had a good time drawing on my squares.  Since the heat erases the marks I did not mine her "help."

Cuts and Bolts decided to do several presewing clues, so I am all caught up with today's square in a square blocks.  

Merry Mayhem #150

I have not done the cutting for the Stitchin Heaven Mystery quilt, but if I love it, I may do it after the fact.  On the fence on if it will get cut ahead of time.  I decided to do it in Halloween fabrics, but not sure it will work.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Old Town Quiltville Mystery and More

Just wanted to share the game gifts I crafted for my honorary daughter who lives in Norway.  Rachel is very appreciative of anything I send her but mailing to Norway is EXPENSIVE.  I sent  her a quilt last year and it was almost 90 dollars to mail it (nevermind what it would cost for fabric, time, and longarming if I did the math).  This tiny box had what is pictured along with one books sleeve with "Harris and Me" in it and cost $33.00 to send.  They may have had to pay to pick it up to as they have a new law taxing things coming in.  UGH.  Anyways, my budget is small this year so I chose a game for each member of the family and made it for them.  I like all of these games (band aid match is for the two year old and Rove JR. for the seven ish year old.  Anyway, I hope they really like the games and do not think it is too odd of a gift.  It is the thought that counts right.  
I did the RSC and A Quilting Life BOM in rainbow for November.  The last block and setting instructions came out today.
I started working on this cute mini sweater wallhanging, but now that Bonnie's mystery has started (and prep for NYE/NYD mysteries, it is just in the wings).  The pattern and template and fabric for this came from the Missouri Star box from last year's advent calendar.  I may get it again in the future, but this year's budget just did not allow for it.
I decided to make some more microwave bowls since I had all I needed (Barb gifted me some of the inside stuff since she did not want to make any more).  I made one for Dad, Jay, Kathy, me, Angie (Jay's girlfriend) and some for who knows who.

Barb also gave me two panels with princess capes on them so I made this for Hazel.  She is really into dressing up and has quite a selection. She wears a scarf for the cape though so I think she will love this.  I will make the other one for Indie, but it is way too big for her this year.
I did a book swap with my Retreat Readers online book group. Pam and I got each other.  She spoiled me.  I made her the above book sleeve, but forgot she is also a sewer/quilter.  She made me two!  One is purple and one is Christmas.
Here is clue one in progress for Old Town (Quiltville Mystery).

Here it is complete.  
Here is clue 2 complete.

 I chose colors from someone's quilt block on Quiltville for the Unity quilt.  Hoping I love it when it is done.  

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Card Games You Can Play in Bed (while sick with a Chronic Illness)!

In June, I wrote an article for a new online CFS Magazine debut but somehow it did not make the debut. I am not sure if the editor plans to use it in a future issue (she requested it from me) but I have been waiting to post the info here is case someone searching the internet for how to cope with CFS/ME or fatigue or POTS some other illness that requires lots of feet up time can find it.  I really believe finding solo gaming has really helped me to cope with my sudden loss of energy.  

These games are fun for healthy people too (you can play while standing in line or sitting in your car in line to pick up your kids, etc.)

Since writing this article I have found many more in hand games, but these were my first and they are all fun!


Did you know there are over fifty card games you can play solo in the palm of your hand while laying in bed?  Many of these are played with a regular 52 card deck of cards, others with a deck you can print and play for a small cost or free, and others you can buy.  The games vary from super simple easy to learn games like Royal Marriage to L'Neuvieme: A 9-Card Chase game that requires more brain power.  I have only played about a dozen of these games, but am planning to check more out now that I know where to find them--each has an entry on BoardGameGeek (BGG) and links to any downloads, reviews, tutorials, and a plethora of information follow each entry.  Let me tell you about a few of my favorites.

The first in hand game I ever heard of was Palm Island.  I purchased this one and watched videos on youtube to learn how to play it though there is a free print and play (pnp) available.  It plays in eight rounds, but can be set aside and picked up again at any time (as many of these games can be). It has seventeen cards which can be flipped or rotated depending on the choices you make along the way.  At the end you note your victory points and try to beat that number in your next game.  The makers of Palm Island have recently come out with Palm Laboratory which is quite similar mechanically, but has end scoring conditions with a different theme and even more amazing art.  

I then found out about Maiden’s Quest and bought it used.  This one is out of print, but readily available in the used market.  In it, you create a deck of cards from those in the box and then turn and flip them as you defeat enemies in the deck.  There is a revised rulebook online which helps clarify some confusion in the provided rulebook too.  I watched playthroughs and it was pretty easy to figure out though.

Numbsters is another easy to learn and easy to play card game from Button Shy.  This one is a quick game with amazing art too.   Each Numbster card features a number and special ability. Your goal is to “eat” as many of the cards as you can by getting the number eight mouth card in between two consecutive numbers or two that can use the special ability. This game is easy to play, but a little challenging to win!  You must get down to just one Numbster and the Mouth for victory.  It is a good starting game if you are unsure where to start.

I recently discovered pnp’s that can be played in the hand as well.  So far my favorites are Elevenses for One, Old Town Road, Galdor’s Grip, and 9 Card Circus. In Elevenses for One you have just eleven cards with all the tea necessities and you need to load your tea trolley for morning tea before the timer card runs out at 11 AM.  Old Town Road is an in hand poker type game in which cards can shoot other cards (then flip to become outlaws) or rob banks.  If you are familiar with poker terms this one makes a lot of sense.  I play this one when I have more spoons to spare. Galdor’s Grip is a more recent pnp, and it is addicting.  In this one you have a core deck and can change out six of the cards in sets, or at random.  This is a solo fantasy card game and you manipulate the deck based on what the cards say and which ones you turn face up.  Another one with great artwork!  9 Card Circus is an in hand resource management game.  There is one video online to teach how to play and it is challenging because it requires you to think ahead on moves you will make in the next season of the circus.  Plan on having several spoons for this one!  As you can see there is a lot of variety in these games.

There are so many more in hand games I have not tried (I have made Alert All Hands on Deck and Handy Brawl which I hope to learn soon).  One of my absolute favorites is really unique.  L'Neuvieme: A 9-Card Chase is a solitaire hidden movement and deduction game.  You have nine turns to move around Nonaville (the cards) and interpret the clues as to L'Neuvieme's movement. However, some of these clues may be misleading, so you will have to use all of your deductive skills to pin down where L'Neuvieme is hiding.  This might be the most challenging one I have played so far, and I use pen and paper to take notes as I play it.

If all of the options above do not interest you, or seem like too much then I urge you to grab a 52 card deck (I found a Sleepy themed deck!) and play a simple game of Royal Marriage in which all you are doing is trying to reunite the king and queen of hearts.  Here are the directions from BGG:

“To set up a game, the King and Queen of Hearts are removed from a deck, which is then shuffled. Afterwards, the King is placed on the bottom and the Queen placed on top. Cards are dealt, one by one, from the top of the deck and played next to the Queen, forming a row that allows all cards to be seen at once.

Cards can be removed one or two at a time, but only when they are bookended by two cards of either the same suit or rank. If all cards save the Queen and King are eliminated, the game is won; if cards remain and no further moves can be made, the game is lost.”

If reading these directions is clear as mud to you, search youtube for the title of this (or any other game) and you will find videos in which people explain the games and/or demonstrate them.  For me, this is much more clear!

I hope I have inspired you to investigate card games you can play in hand in bed on those days when you want something different to do but cannot be up at a table (or even use a hospital table at your bedside as I often do).  Having something fun to look forward to has really helped me get through my CFS/ME and all the changes it has brought to my life.  I feel like one hobby is playing these games, another is making them, and still another is watching youtube learning these games all of which give me some variety on my in bed days.  There are few “perks” to having a chronic illness, but having more time to solo game is definitely one of them!

Has it Really Been Four Months?

My sewing mojo has not been there for awhile.  I did not realize I had not posted since July though!  I really did not do much sewing all summer and into fall.  I have mostly been solo board gaming and reading.  My health improved a titch in May (like it did last year, though it tanked again in the fall last year) so I was able to be upright more and I spent as much time outside playing games as possible.  I think the vitamin D helped too.  
Here are some of the blocks I did manage to get done for the Quilting Life BOM and Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

Hazel has started Montessori so now I only have her half days on Friday.  I get to pick her up and she flies into my arms with Lala! every week.  It is a highlight!  I do have Indie two days a week and am really enjoying my time with her.  Most of my energy goes to that but worth it.  I try to nap a bit when Indie naps, but she is a short napper!
Here they are on Halloween this year.  Spider and Elsa though for trunk or treat they were ladybug and Superwoman.

Our budget is limited these days so I came up with an inexpensive ish idea for my honorary daughter and her family in Norway.  I made each of them a print and play game that I love and will be wrapping them today to get them out. Postage is expensive so I made small games and I hope they love them.  For Rachel I made Love Letter, for her hubby Air, Land and Sea, for the teen stepdaughter Mysticana (which I LOVE), teen stepson Doom Machine which is a dice game, for Leon Aqua Rove, Lenny Rove JR, and for the two year old Bandage Match which is a KiwiCo game.  The Rove games are solos as is Doom Machine, and Mysticana has a solo, but also has group games and the others are group games.  Hoping they love them and I create a few more gamers.

I did whip up two more ghost pillows so I could give one to Indigo (since Hazel got one last year) and one to my mom who I got to visit (they bought a new house in Chippewa Falls) in October.  Mom, Aunt Nancy and I went to a craft sale together.  I brought my walker and sat a lot while they shopped.  I should have been in bed but Mom was so excited to get to craft sale with me (it has been YEARS) so I rallied.  Brought a book with me and it was fun though I was worn out the entire time I was there.  

 Not sure if I have mentioned that I go to an online Booktube Besties Reading Retreat a few times a year.  It was really the first social thing I have done since getting so sick (besides sewing online) and after a few of them I found myself in charge of creating a book club.  We call ourselves the Retreat Readers and despite lots of interest to join we wound up with only four of us becoming regulars.  Now a year later and another retreat we found a few more members (seems like maybe three more will become part of the group as the other four interested have  yet to turn up).  It is a great group and we are doing a Secret Santa exchange this year.  

Kathy and I went to Oconomowoc to play Lewis and Clark for a game night a few weeks ago.  So nice to be able to do something social (I rested ahead of time).  We also went to an LGBT game night and dressed as Boo and Piper from Orange is the New Black.  Still pacing, but not sleeping all the time anymore.  Yay.  We hope to make some gaming friends and be able to continue getting to game nights.  Of course, we still try to do a once a month game night with H and J at their house.  We have started playing a game with Hazel before she goes to bed. So fun!  Last time we brought Nana and it was a hit with all of us.  We have gotten into Machi Koro and Machi Koro 2 since both Jeremy and Kathy really like it.  We tried Fuji Flush, but did not get the rules right so it was not a hit.  We realized our error afterwards so will try it again.  

As for sewing, I am excited to get to the next Quiltville Mystery.  I picked my colors but am not super happy with my fabrics (too much distinction between them). Bonnie is starting us the week before Black Friday this year so it is coming up fast!

Monday, July 1, 2024

A Lori Holt Finish and Showing off the Granddaughters!

Barb did a great job quilting my Lori Holt quilt with I love you hands and hearts.  I love that pattern so much!  I made a matching binding and got it on a few days ago.
Here is Indie (standing so good!) on her quilt.  She loves it.

Here is she laughing on it.  My daughter can get the best pictures of these kids.

And here she is sitting.  Sweet girl!

 And her older sister had her first dance recital in June.  She did great!


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Catching You Up! Sewing, Health, Gaming, In Hand Games

I have not been doing much sewing lately as life has been hectic.  My fatigue had improved a bit, then got worse again and so sewing goes by the wayside as I try to get more rest.  I cannot recall if I shared these snowmen which I sewed on two different days I did get in here.  One to go before I can assemble it into a cute wall hanging. I just love snowmen!

This is Cascadia above. In this picture I am playing it solo with an AI, just as fun as having a partner.
I have been gaming (and solo gaming) more this year.  It is something I can do on the hospital table by my bed, or in some cases even lying in bed.  I recently got Harmonies (which is a super fun, easy to set up, easy to learn game in which you are building habitats for your chosen animals) but the bag that came with it had a loose weave and did not last long.  


Above is full size Azul. We love to play it outside!  We love Azul (but had not played it in forever) so I got us Mini Azul (which is a tile laying game) and though it came with a nice bag to hold all the materials, we wanted another bag for pulling the tiles.  I repaired the loose weave bag and made one extra bag which I think I put with my Cascadia game.

Below is Mini Azul which we have already been making good use of since Kathy has been in the hospital again.  She had surgery a few months ago on her neck and got sick a month ago with a UTI (we thought) and took antibiotics.  Then two weeks ago she got worse, and thought it was the flu.  I dragged her in to the ER and they determined she had a kidney infection (and likely had it from the catheter from her neck surgery) and sepsis.  It is the third time she has had sepsis.  So back into the hospital she went last week Sunday.  For a hot minute they thought she had C Diff, but thank goodness no.  They let her out after four days or so with a PICC line and we had to do antibiotics each morning.  That was fun.  So, Monday she went in for bloodwork and since her knee was swollen and she was having trouble walking they admitted her again.  Infection in knee hardware.  So, they had to open her knee and exchange the disc and do a wash.  Hopefully she will come home (again on iv antibiotics) today.  So anyhow, we have played Mini Azul at the hospital.  We also played our travel Sequence which we have not played in more than a decade.
I did manage to sew my Rainbow Scrap Challenge from A Quilting Life's BOM at some point. I always convert the cuts to Bonnie's ruler as it saves fabric and I have strips in the sizes needed.  However, this day I did the math wrong (for the larger size) and had to cut down all of them so I did not save fabric.  I was over it by then.

I am loving how each pair of blocks comes out each month.  I need to take a picture of all the blocks so far since we are halfway through the year.  Really happy I decided to do double duty on the BOM and the RSC since my sewing time is limited.  
I posted to my ME/CFS Facebook group a picture (in which I forgot Numbsters) and a post about card games you can play in bed.  Some are quite easy and others use more spoons.  It got a really good response, and I was asked to write an article for an online publication for those with ME/CFS.  After it goes live I will link to it and/or post it here.   I had also posted the same picture on a solo gaming group and asked if people knew of other in hand games.  I was shocked to find out that there are over fifty of them!  That led me into a deep dive to research them all and make a few and learn a few.  So, I spent several days last week writing the article as it made my brain more tired than it should have.  I enjoyed it though! 

I took a new picture for the article and included Numbsters and a few of the new ones I just discovered, and managed to forget Maiden's Quest in this picture though I talked about it in the article.  If you are interested in games that can be played in hand or in bed (in case you or someone you love is chronically ill) you can find the lists on Board Game Geek titled "Solo In-Hand Games: A Not Anymore Comprehensive List ;)" and "Solo Card Games that Can Be Played in the Hand."


New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...