Managed to do the next block in A Quilting life's BOM before the move.
Made some of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks before and some after the move in orange.
We bid on SIX houses before finally getting our forever home! After we closed we spent a few weeks making treks over and putting things away and each weekend we painted. The library/office room is painted "swiss coffee" which looks pretty white, but I like it. The bedroom is painted a very light sea blue and I love it.
Hazel and I planted seeds and our radishes are already coming up!
We hung my metal quilts on our garage after it was painted professionally. We hired people to replace the floor in the living room and in the hall/library office. We also hired someone to put in a fence. That happened a few days after we moved in and the dogs, us and Hazel are loving it!
Yesterday I finished up the quilt on the left below. I put in sashings and cornerstones because I thought the original one I made with my Lori Holt blocks was a bit too busy. Hannah picked the sashings and cornerstones one and today I added a red with some color for the border and need to get a picture of that. Baby girl number two should love it. I need to decide on another quilt or two to make for her as well. Considering Eye Spy a Four Patch and Princess Crown both from Quiltville.

I had parathyroid surgery about six weeks ago and I think it actually helped me some. I am feeling slightly less fatigued which is amazing. It could not have come at a better time with moving. I am hoping it lasts and continues to improve! Any fatigue relief is welcome!