The reveal of Ruby Jubilee came out in Quiltmaker and I did not care for all the whitespace or for the block placement with clusters of the same block together. I decided I would add in other blocks and parts and switch it up. Then I saw Bonnie Hunter had the same idea! I love every quilt Bonnie has ever designed so I knew I would be happy with it and I plunged in copying her. My friend Becky did the same. I made four, yes four, churn dash blocks before I got the right size thanks to help from Becky. It really is not that hard, but my brain fog leads me to do things incorrectly more often than not!
I grew it section by section. I made some incorrect blocks along the way.
Added some strings.
This was a block I could not find a pattern for so I did manage to get it right the first time! This time I shared it with Becky.
Bug jumps on it for pictures every time I lay it out! I did use one of my extra ladder blocks in place of the half star Bonnie used (you can see it at the top of the pic below between the baskets and the flying geese).
It is too large for an indoor picture and it is too wet (and dreary) out to get one outside yet.
I have now prepped all of the HST's for the border and have about five sheets made with more to go!
Here is the most recent picture I have of Becky's. I LOVE it in purple too!
Everyone is all excited for the new
Chilhowie Mystery at Quiltville. The facebook page is abuzz with everyone picking out their fabrics. I am still trying to decide my colors. There are only three this year with the neutral being the fourth. Hoping to have Ruby Jubilee together before the first clue comes out on Black Friday (end of November for non Americans).