My UFO for March was my Packer Bliss (Quiltville's Winter Blues). I grew it row by row slowly!

I was planning to make this originally in green and then decided I would do a pair so I could do them with green and yellow. The pieces are VERY SMALL and in the course of making one I decided I really did not want to make the pair--though the green sixteen patches are done and the sashings and cornerstones are cut. I thought maybe I could use those sixteen patches in the border, but them realized what I LOVED about the quilt was the braided border of Bonnie's pattern so I will eventually continue along and make that.

These are the 27 books I read in March. Glad to have "War and Peace" off my TBR and enjoyed exploring many middle grades for middle grade March!
We got Hazel a little baby doll to celebrate being 18 months old! She loves it. She signs and talks really well now and can say her own name as well as all of ours. She is the light of our lives!
Rainbow Scrap Challenge color is pink this month so I whipped my blocks up yesterday for that. Here is Log Cabin Love.
And here is Butterfly Bush. I accidently made two sets of four again instead of two sets of two as I did in yellow. Oops!

My cousin's husband had a serious accident the end of March. He fell off a forklift and landed on his head. He is forty something and is a great husband and father. He has a long recovery after a seven hour surgery and hopefully will walk again one day. He is hard working physical guy and I am praying for his full recovery. Life turns on a dime.
In other news, we gave our sixty day notice here and plan to move to Waukesha before summer. We are going to look at a place today. Smaller than here (oy!) and not as nice but only five ish minutes from Hazel and her parents which is our goal. We hope to be able to save money up and buy again in a year or two in that area. Still waiting for my DA hearing results--and much depends on that.