I hope you have all had Happy Holidays! Despite coming down with Covid for the first time (pretty sure my granddaughter brought it to her dad, then me, then her mom) we went to my folks--barely making they cut off for quarantine. The kids have had it before. Kathy somehow did not get it--despite being exposed to her and to me all week. I took Paxlovid since I am immuno-compromised. I actually felt better than normal from the time I was exposed until the time the Paxlovid ended. This seems to happen to me...my fatigue lifts decently when my body is fighting something else. I had lots of headaches, body aches, and metal taste in my mouth, but overall I had it easy.
The night before Christmas Eve we went to Hannah and Jeremy's and did our Christmas. We got some amazing presents--a long weekend in Door Country with them in June and a wrapped up pregnancy test! The next day, my mom and Dad were super thrilled we worked it all out and went to Marshfield Christmas Eve day. Hazel had lots of gifts and wore a shirt that said "Big Sister." We waited for my parents to notice and they were as overjoyed as we are! She is due in August after my birthday and before my Mom's so the countdown begins!
Hazel also picked me out some fabric with these charm packs! I happen to have the green pin print in yardage so that is fun too.
Hazel is enamored with The Nightmare Before Christmas. She was Sally for Halloween and can listen to the music and tell you what she "sees" happening in the movie. She is 27 months old. I am astounded at her memory as I cannot tell you what is happening in a movie based on the music as accurately as she can! I used up my scraps to make her a big bag and two small bag to hold the doorables that I (and her mom at home) got her.
I had to throw a scrap of purple in there as I seriously was out of fabric. This is front and back of the same bag.
I also made her another apron to keep at my house. She loves to bake with me and we are trying to bake something every Friday together. I sent a lot of it home with her (brought some to Christmas at my parents too). I made a larger one for Lily in Ohio (my oldest's daughter) too.
I made Jay a pillow with mushroom fabric too since he loves them. I saw he had several mushroom pillows on his Amazon wish list and realized I had everything to make him one! He is stopping by after work to do Christmas since he could not make early Christmas and went to Eau Claire (with no stop in Marshfield) and we have not seen him yet.

treated myself to 12 Days of Book-Club-Mas again this year. There were so many fun gifts in it but my favorite might be this TBR jar. I cut up a list of all my books on the shelf as of November and put them in the jar in the hopes that I might pull from it and read off my shelf. Goal for the first half of this year is to buy less books because we hope to move this Spring. I have plenty of books here to read and access the library so I should not bring more in to move!
I finally learned how to make microwave cozy bowls. Barb and I worked on these together. I gave my mom the sock monkey ones and she loved them. Jay will get the mushroom one, Hannah (for bday) will get the cows. I think I may make more of these for gifts next year.
I made one last yellow block (and deleted the picture) and put my Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilt (Log Cabin Love) together. Super happy with how it came out. Linking up with the
Rainbow Scrap Challenge!I have been working on Chilhowie--the current Quiltville mystery. Here are clues two, three, four and five!