Lots more reading going on. I do not even think I took pictures of a few of them. Enjoyed this one, though really weird it kept me turning the pages. This first half was almost normal and then it took a turn which I expected.
I read this one for a facebook book club I am in. Have not read John Saul since I was a teen. Used to love him, but outgrew him. This one was awful! Other people in the group seem to have loved it. I am a snob reader--seriously!
This one was really good! Will need to read more by Collins.

This quilt top is my inspiration for the one I am making. Mari is the one who sewed it and though I do not know her, I LOVE her quilt!
Two weekends ago I spent Saturday sewing with BJ (it had been a long while) and Ros joined us for a bit! Super fun to get caught up with her and BJ both. Then Sunday I was sewing with Barb but BJ's sewing partner was unable to sew with her so she joined us on cameral too. During all of that I managed to finally get my trees into a top! It already has another thin border on it and one cut and ready to go on. Last I need to make the outer border.
Linking up with
SoScrappy!On Halloween we went over to Hannah and Jeremy's to see Hazel in her costume. Cutest little ladybug ever. This kiddo is signing and talking more everyday! Yesterday new signs I saw were CEREAL, BLESS-YOU, HUSH, BALL, and HELP! Today so far I saw ORANGE. So much fun!
I read this LONG (over 800 pages) book a few chapters a day for the most part. It was good but did not live up to the hype for me.
Super fast true story I read in a day.
This one was another all day read. I really liked it.
This one turned out to be really good and made me think afterward. I had a hard time finding an author with the last name that starts with N (as mine does) for my cross off challenge. I only have one left--one about a world leader.

I finally go to working on Hazel's "H is for Happy" pair of doll quilts. This is a Quiltville pattern and really fun to make the H's. I wish I was better at getting the corners on so things came to size. If I did it again, I would go ahead and oversize my triangles since I had to trim them all anyway.
See? WONKY! Oh well, Hazel with love them anyway.
Had the first one sewn up last weekend.
And yesterday during Hazel's nap I trimmed the second set and today during her nape I sewed them together (and am blogging this). Nice I do not need my own nap today like many days!
Currently reading this two books. One is serious and older language and one is fun.
Jay(my youngest) sold one of his cars today (yay, parking is a hot mess especially in the winter) and it was stolen a few weeks ago and parts were taken...it was half painted, etc. Not worth keeping. He planned to sell it anyway so he just got less for it than he was hoping. He also finally found an apartment close to his work. He has been staying with us and we do not have room so he has literally been sleeping on our oversize chair. He works nights so this is super fun for him with me and Hazel in the living room. He also has two cats. This house is not really big enough for all that but we made do.
I finally saw a naturopath about my health. She did a bunch of bloodwork and plans to do more. She is treating me for Lyme (so she can test it after six weeks). I have had headaches and neckaches and chills from the meds that are meant to show if I have it or not. Really do not think I do, but I should not be reacting if I don't. So we shall see. Meanwhile turns out my thyroid finally shows signs of being jacked up so going on meds for that. My liver enzymes are up so starting some natural stuff to help with that. As always (since I have been sick) my white blood cell count is high. Have not heard back yet on cortisol test but Celiac and Autoimmune testing was normal. I am still super fatigued but have learned to pace so coping better.