I decided to do a blind date with a book. I found Julia on Etsy (BookBestie) and ordered my first date. Here is the lovely package I received. Almost too pretty to open!
So I decided I wanted a second date and ordered another one. Plus I realized I should have ordered a Gramala bookmark! So I ordered up a second date.
This time I got "Wolf Hall" which is also on my radar and one I had not read! I added it to my growing TBR to get to soon. Super amazed that I did not get a book I had already read either time as I have read a lot. I had a coupon for five dollars off that tipped me over into getting another one of these. I also ordered a few more of the bookmarks (2 dollars each) for my best friend, my mom and Kathy. They are cool and super sturdy.

Found energy one day to pull books off my shelf and dust and rearrange. I ran out of ooomph before the bottom shelf which are kids books, buts still happy with it. I put the books that were my grandparents or my Dad's on the top shelf. They were previously in my living room.
Hazel is currently napping, but earlier today she played for almost forty minutes in the beans! She is finally not trying to eat them (or the play-doh) which is nice!
I sewed yesterday and the day before for the first time in forever! I was behind on my trees and am now all caught up. Here is the lime version.
Here is the orange version. BJ called me up out of the blue yesterday and so we facetimed and I was able to get these blocks done! I have a total of ten blocks and realized that nine would complete this quilt so will play with layout and see what happens.
I have read all of these books since my last blog post. Am suddenly reading a book every few days. I am not done with "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell" yet as I am reading two chapters of it every day and it is really long. Also about half way through the CFS book as that is read in bites too. The rest though are done. Booktube helped me discover Elizabeth Gaskell and I read a few Victorian novels for Victober. I enjoyed the N.K. Jemisin series and T.J Klune's whimsical books."Still Life with Rice" was a memoir about a Korean grandmother and I really enjoyed it.Just got and finished "The Night She Disappeared" in my Once Upon a Book Club Box. It was a page turner and I really enjoyed it even though the ending was a bit on the unbelievable side.
I have also been listening to audiobooks. I get even more read this way!
Hazel loves the bench Bumpa made her for her birthday. Her mom plans to paint it or whitewash it.
I did some online subbing for ASU this past month too. Learned how to teach on Zoom and do some online activities though Zoom. Unfortunately my fatigue level went way up and I needed to sleep so much more. It just was not sustainable which is too bad because I could have continued with it. I am okay to sub here and there but ongoing cannot be done at this time. I was also asked to do online grading for ASL, but the position was twenty hours a week and I just cannot manage that. It stinks because my disability is not yet approved and we could use the money from me working at least some, but I am not well enough to do much. Too bad I cannot get an editing job because reading does not tire me near as much as interpreting or teaching!
What are you reading? Sewing?