Friday, September 17, 2021

A Whole Lot of Reading Going On

I recently discovered a whole world on youtube/booktube.  Been adding to my to be read list like crazy.  Read all of the above books (well, almost done with the top left one) as well as "Mexican Gothic," and "Billy Summers" which Jay gave me as a belated birthday present which did not make it in the picture.  I see "The Starless Sea" is not centered right either.  It is early, I have not started my coffee yet!  I have noticed most of the booktubers I have found are twentysomethings and I wish I could find some nearer my age.  

Hannah and Jeremy invited us over for dinner and game night last weekend.  She surprised us with a Grandparent's day card and gifts!  I love the new hot/cold cup and that it says GRAMALA!  Of course I love Hazel's tile picture but the card had all kinds of sweet stuff written in it appreciating us so that was the best!
We finally got a chance to play Deception:  Murder in Hong Kong and then we played Poor Choices.  
The only sewing I have done is a bunch of H's for H is for Happy for Hazel.  I am not sure I am going to get this done by her birthday as I just have not felt like sewing!  It will get done though.  I cut for two of them but only have H's made for one.  

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Happy Fall!

It has been a month since I blogged and all I sewed since them was the aqua Rainbow Scrap Challenge block!  I am linking up behind schedule and better see what the next color is!  I did not see it posted yet but Angela has a sick kiddo and is a teacher, so no worries if she is behind schedule.  I may have missed it too so will check back.  Only four months left to go!

I read another book box and really enjoyed it.  I should really cancel this but I really LOVE them.  I resell almost all of them so I try to look at it as a small rental fee!

My Mom and Dad have been in Wisconsin this summer and they finally managed to have good enough health to get to Milwaukee a few weeks ago.  Hannah and Hazel joined us at the Sunflower farm and we took lots of pictures.  We were there for close to two hours and it was hotter than expected that day.  I really enjoyed it, but took about a week to recover from the heat and the walk/standing time which was a new record for me.  Hannah picked us each raspberries while I fed Hazel lunch in the car.  
Here is a better four generation photo.  So nice to have us all together.  Hazel took to her Nini and Papa after a bit of warming up!  She talks to them several times a week on FB with me but seeing them in person for the first time made them real.

Hazel signs about ten signs now---not sure this video will work, but it is her signing BOOK.  She loves books!  If you ask her to sign the various signs she knows she can actually do many of them (we discovered this last week) and it is so cute that she can communicate!  She also says Mama, Dada, Lala (for Gramala) and Bumpa as well as baba (bottle or milk) and up to be picked up.  She understands far more of course and I am really enjoying getting time with her every week.  I nap when she naps and we do alright.

In other news we had to put Lombardi down a few weeks ago.  He was an old guy and got a fast growing cancer.  Her was so good with Hazel and we really miss him.  Coincidently, my parents dog Kachina died a few days prior to that.  She too will be missed and I am glad we got to see her when we visited earlier this summer.  
I am planning to make Hazel and "H" is for Happy quilt which is a Bonnie Hunter pattern for her babydolls.  Her birthday is a few weeks away and I finally started cutting the fabric from my strips today.  Kathy is making her a two step stepstool for her bathroom (Hannah and Jeremy bought a new house and moved and sold their old house too).  Getting her a few other things that we will keep here for her.  I have spent much of the last few months watching Montessori at Home videos ( I LOVE the Hapa Family) on youtube.  I have set up our toys that way here and Hazel is already starting to pick up toys and with direction, put them on the shelf when done.  We introduced her to play-doh and dried beans sensory fun this week.  I have to sit right with her and redirect if she tries to eat any of it!  


Old Town Quiltville Mystery and More

Just wanted to share the game gifts I crafted for my honorary daughter who lives in Norway.  Rachel is very appreciative of anything I send ...