I went up to quilt camp at Emmanuel Pines last Friday for the weekend. It started snowing on the ride up and snowed and snowed! Very little of it stuck, but it was snowing for hours. I have not seen snow in quite awhile so it was fun--really felt like Christmas on April 1st! I worked all day Friday and a good bit of Saturday on making Bonnie Hunter's Love Shack! I love how it came out. It was a super fun project to do at camp because it involves lots of different blocks.
I have wanted to make Love Shack for a long time but it involves several patterns on quiltville (maverick stars, strings, happy scrappy houses, wonky hearts and letters) and also lots of size adjustments which are not my thing. I was so proud of myself for figuring all this out--even though I counted the blocks wrong in the one column and so made the blocks too big and had to eliminate a maverick star or start over! I will be keeping this one and hanging it in the living room or dining room.
Saturday Kathy, Kathy, Becky and I took a hike to stretch after all that sewing. We wound up going four a half miles (20 min for each mile) and made it out to the road. Really good conversation all the way too. So glad to have quilty friends who sneak exercise in too!
Saturday night Barb helped me make sixteen trivet Christmas presents. I made them all out of Christmas fabric and will be making more in other fabric too. They are made from a hexie ruler and lots of fabric folding. The tricky part is pinning them just so. That is the part Barb is much better at than me! You stitch around the outside and flip them out at the center and they look great! When I was done with all that and the quilt auction I continued working on En Provence. This quilt A is for Adaminaby from 2012 was my auction quilt and Kathy O (the tall Kathy from the walk picture) won it for 25 dollars. I ran across this little quilt which I had forgotten I made two of and decided it was a good auction quilt.
Sunday morning we hung out some of the quilts (some people did not hang anything out--not sure why) and you can see the center of my En Provence on the right top.

I would never have even gotten it out if not for the fact that Marguerite had not brought her finished top and her daughter Laura was busting butt working on hers all weekend (along with other stuff). Seeing Laura making progress motivated me to get to it! Not sure why I was dragging my feet on it as I usually am right on schedule with getting the mysteries done but this year the trip to New Mexico to get my my son and his girlfriend and her kids (flat tire, no money and diabetic ketoacidosis and hospitalization was involved) knocked me off track. This quilt has his hospital gown fabric in it. Stitching the memories in. Sunday morning I got the borders mostly made but thought I was four star point units short...turns out I was not. I got home and discovered I started with the wrong star point color. Of course I did not figure that out til I made the four star point and attached them. HAHA! Last night I fixed and attached the first borders and did some ironing. So this morning (Monday) I attached the last border, did ironing and made the backing and cut the binding. I still need to get a picture of it though.