Now where the lists come into this post. I am loving those Projects at a Glance sheets I wrote about a post or two ago. I had absolutely no idea how many projects I let accumulate. I always say I am a finisher and I am! I updated my Pinterest (in sidebar) for the WIPS/UFOs and seriously think I have accounted for them all by now. Lord I hope so! So here is what I have going on:
Handwork in Progress--3
Works in Progress still being stitched-20
Works in Progress to be quilted or tied by me-13
To be Longarmed-8
That is after I accounted for these two easy finishes. I quilted and tied them so I could check them off--see the lists are working already!
Not the best picture, but this is Strip Twist made in 2014. I have had it pinned and ready to practice quilting on it since then. Happy to have it done and it will soon be gifted as I know of four babies in utero right now!

We Wish You a Merry Christmas tiny tablerunner also is quilted and bound. Not great, but done.
In all my listmaking I was able to put my hands on the RSC BOM blocks for both January and February so I could get a picture of them together. LOVE Quiltville's Straits of Mackinac! Looking forward to the next month's color!
Last Tuesday Kathy went to guild with me (she is a member this year due to Bonnie's workshop) and we played Quilt-O. Super fun and she won twice and me once. I am now doing the blog and facebook pages for our guild too. So hopefully I will be better about doing my own blog again!