This is the front and back of a little doggie quilt I finished up last week. I practiced machine binding on I have watched lots of tutorials and figured out I am supposed to be working on the opposite side of the quilt when machine binding. Today I tried my hand at that on the Carolina Crossroads quilt...I have the binding all attached and then spent about an hour with several different stitch tries and a whole lot of unsewing! The bobbin thread just kept bunching up and making a huge mess on the back of the quilt. I think I am not setting something right on my machine. I put it aside to try on one of my less fancy machines!
The colorful quilt is a dolly quilt for a Christmas gift. Glad to have something started on that front. Today while I was frogging, DJ cut a bunch of strips for for my latest quilt...I decide to jump in and work on Bonnie Hunter's "Smith Mountain Morning" quilt from her Scraps and Shirttails II book. The quiltville swap group is swaping some strips and units for that quilt and Amy over at Amy's Passions Blog got me interested. I really should be working on "Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll" but I am stalled on that which is odd for me.
I took a picture of my cut strips but I haven't had a chance to upload it just imagine, lol. I borrowed this photo from Bonnie at and if you haven't seen or done a Bonnie quilt, get on over there. I am her number one fan!